Unpredictable Sirens (Supernatural Shifter Academy #4) - G. Bailey Page 0,37

given me a lot to think about.”

I know a dismissal when I hear one. Hunter and Shade look ready to keep arguing, but I give them a minute head shake and turn around, heading for the door. Silas jams his hands in his pockets and follows, with Landon bringing up the rear. Theo’s stoic bodyguards remain stone-faced, although I catch them eyeing me curiously as I pass them by. How much has he discussed me with his inner circle, I wonder?

“This is such bullshit,” Shade says as soon as we’re in the hallway. “This could be our one chance to get a jump on them and he’s throwing it away.”

“Sounds like our luck has run out,” Landon quips. “Again.”

“We can’t panic,” says Silas. “We have to stick to the plan. This doesn’t change anything. Edith will still be here, and she’ll have friends. We need to focus on getting Millie in fighting shape, and when the attack happens, we have to be ready to take Edith alive.”

“No promises,” Shade says darkly, although I can tell he’s mostly posturing.

“He’s got some nerve, throwing you into a fight like that, Boots,” says Hunter, shaking his head. “I’m glad you’re okay. We all are.”

“Well,” Silas says, “I think I’m going to go think all this over. Maybe order some food. You guys want to join me?”

The others eagerly agree. “Anything to get away from this nonsense,” says Landon, before turning to me. “What does our lovely paramour think?”

“I’m in,” I agree. “I think I may check in on Hazel and the twins first, though. If it’s going to be on us to fend off this attack, we need to make sure they’re all on board.”

“So he basically told you to fuck off?” Hazel asks over the rim of her wine glass. We’re sitting on the roof terrace, taking in the afternoon sun a safe distance away from the shooting range. Xander set up a few deck chairs, and the alcohol was courtesy of Ruby —considering the circumstances, it’s exactly what I need right now.

“More or less,” I admit, taking a sip of my own wine. A breeze ruffles my hair as I stare out over the rooftops.

“Jeez, this guy is worse than Russo,” mutters Ruby. “Just another stiff in a suit who doesn’t take anything seriously. It’s like a single step below straight-up sabotage.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” I protest.

The twins raise inquisitive eyebrows at me.

Looking away, I go on, “I mean, he’s a talented shifter. I’ve seen it firsthand. And he’s… nice. Lonely, though.” I shake my head. “I can’t blame him. Being a hybrid is… It can be a bit isolating. I can’t imagine the immortality part. It just seems so… depressing.”

“Wait,” Xander says, a smile creeping onto his face, “don’t tell me you’ve got a soft spot for him, Boots!”

Hazel laughs. “Did your coffee date make you rethink things?”

“It wasn’t a date,” I insist, taking another swig of wine. “He just wanted company. And to see what I could do, I guess.”

“‘Not a date,’ she says,” Ruby remarks , grinning at Xander. “You sweet, innocent thing, Boots.”

“What are you talking about?” I demand, going a little red in the face. “He just wanted to talk!”

“I guess you haven’t been around here long enough to get much on Theo’s background,” Hazel admits. “Or maybe just not talking to the right people. The guy is… How should I put this? He’s ambitious.”

“That’s putting it lightly,” says Xander.

I cross my arms. “What does that mean?”

“There are only two things in the world that matter to Theo,” Hazel explains, holding up a finger. “The people he protects and understanding the secrets of hybrids.”

“Okay…” I say. “So what? I’m a hybrid. It makes sense that he would want to talk to me.”

“He’s more of a strategist than that,” Ruby chimes in. “He hates the humans as much as the next shifter, but he’s playing the long game. Trying to find new ways of turning this fight to the shifters’ advantage. And one of those ways, according to him, is by using hybrids.”

I snort. “Easier said than done, considering how rare we are.”

“Exactly,” says Hazel. “But with two of you here…”

My eyes narrow as she dances around the point. “Then…?”

“Shifting abilities are DNA-based,” the siren shifter replies. “That’s all I’m saying.”

Her point finally hits me, and I feel my face go beet-red. “You’re not saying… He wants to have a hybrid child?”

“There have been rumours.” Xander leans forward. “He tends to send his own people off

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