Unpredictable Sirens (Supernatural Shifter Academy #4) - G. Bailey Page 0,30

up here, but it wasn’t this. The whole thing is set up like a shooting range, equipment scattered all about and a row of fresh targets standing at the far end. As I’m gaping at this, Landon emerges onto the rooftop, a pistol in either hand.

“They can’t seriously be okay with us firing guns up here,” I exclaim as he hands one to me. I take it gingerly, half afraid to touch it, and hold it with two fingers as Landon watches.

“You’re not giving these guys enough credit,” he tells me. “This whole roof is enchanted —soundproofed, believe it or not. I’ve got the space reserved until noon, which should be plenty of time to get through the basics. Only downside is that the guns aren’t ours, so you’re going to want to make sure you don’t break it.”

“Easier said than done,” I mutter.

The siren shifter laughs before launching into the basics of cleaning, loading, and unloading the pistol. It takes a while for me to get the hang of ejecting the clip, and even longer to remember to keep my finger off the trigger when I’m lining up the shot. But Landon, patient as ever, sticks with it, repositioning my hands as needed while he explains the basic principles of gun safety. “That one-handed shit you see in movies?” he says, shaking his head. “Bad idea. You want to hold it with two hands, no matter what. Your free hand is bracing your trigger hand. Get it?”

I nod. “Got it.”

Landon fires off a shot to prove his point, and I’m stunned when it pierces the target directly in the middle. “You want to make sure the sight is lined up with your target,” he explains. “Think of it as an extension of your arm.”

I take a shaky breath and pull the trigger, wincing at the last second, and the bullet ricochets off the roof.

“Easy,” Landon says, coming up behind me to adjust my stance. “Here, I’ll show you. Keep your grip tight, okay? Exhale when you pull the trigger.” Covering my hands with his, he helps me realign the sight with the target. “You ready?”

“I think so,” I reply, swallowing hard.

With an ever-so-subtle touch, Landon slips his finger over mine and guides it down. The gun fires again, but to my amazement, this shot actually hit the target. More than that, even, it came damn near the centre.

“See?” Landon says, grinning triumphantly. “You’re getting it.”

I guess I’m fortunate that shooting is decidedly less physical than martial arts, and I find that I don’t feel like I want to die by the time the sun comes up. It’s going to take work— a lot of work. My accuracy still sucks without Landon’s gentle hands on mine, but I’m surprised at how quickly I got over my fear of the actual shooting part.

Here’s hoping I won’t have to use it.

“That’s it,” Landon says, his hand slipping down to my waist to help straighten my posture. “Remember to breathe. I’ve got you.” His free hand goes to my elbow, holding me steady as I count to three, let my breath out, and then fire. “Bullseye,” the shifter commends.

I glance at the target and see the clean hole in the middle, and I barely remember to put the safety back on before I’m giving a little jump of excitement. “Holy shit! I did it!”

“Damn right, you did,” Landon murmurs, and it’s only now that I’m noticing he hasn’t moved away from me, even though I’m no longer firing. His dark eyes drift to my lips, and in one fluid movement, he’s kissing me again, one hand gently taking the pistol from me and setting it aside as his mouth moves against mine. The fact that we’re in public registers, but I’m too caught up in the sensations he’s resurrecting from last night to even care. “I think that’s enough for one day,” he says in a husky voice when we come up for air, and all I can do is nod furiously in agreement.

We practically stumble back into my apartment, already tugging at each other’s clothes like our lives depend on it. Landon barely managed to return the guns before he was on me again, his ferocity astounding. My heart hammers in my chest as we return to the bed where we almost made love earlier, except this time there are no muscle cramps to get in the way. Soon Landon’s hand is drifting between my legs, making me almost shamefully wet as

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