Unpredictable Sirens (Supernatural Shifter Academy #4) - G. Bailey Page 0,18

objections. "Fair enough," says Silas. "We'll catch them early in the morning tomorrow, when they won't be expecting it."

With that settled, we depart for our rooms, each of us in our own mind. After getting ready for bed, I steal a paranoid look out my room window. Nobody outside that I can see, but??/p>

The feeling of strong arms wrapping around me from behind draws my attention away. "Mind if I sleep in here with you?" Shade murmurs into my ear, making me shiver. "As I understand it, I owe you for saving my life, and there are quite a few ways I'd like to show my gratitude"

Grinning, I turn in his arms and wrap my hands around his neck. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Chapter 8

"And you're sure this is the right area?" Silas sounds doubtful as he and Shade creep along behind Landon, Hunter, and me.

"Have I ever been wrong before?" asks Landon, grinning.

"Yes," Hunter replies. "Multiple times."

Landon laughs. "Boots, back me up, here."

I come to a stop at the next intersection and put my hands on my hips, squinting as I glance around. Yes, this definitely looks familiar, although I'd be damned if I had to remember the building number. I guess we'll just have to hope that between the three of us, we'll be able to find the right apartment. "Yeah, I think we're on the right track," I agree. "This is the neighbourhood, for sure. Second block on the left, if I'm not mistaken."

"Right. I remember." Hunter falls into step next to me as we resume our journey.

"This whole thing has me on edge," Silas confesses. He keeps glancing around to check for suspicious characters amongst what few pedestrians are out and about, and I don't blame him. It's a little before five in the morning, and the night is still dark, which only makes things worse. Every creeping shadow hides a potential enemy, every movement I glimpse out of the corner of my eye is enough to make my heart race. Could the Academy have put feelers out around here? Half of me is expecting someone to reach out and grab me from every dark corner and dead-end street. Having the guys around only makes me feel marginally better.

"Nervous, Aconyte?" Shade teases. Back to his smart-ass self in record time, but he's got a surprising spring in his step, considering what he's been through.

Silas snorts. "Hardly. I'm just saying, now would be the perfect time for an ambush."

You wouldn't even think they had been all over me less than a week ago, the more salacious part of my mind whispers, but I shut it down immediately. Now's not the time for fantasizing.

"I guess it's a good thing we're the ones doing the ambushing, then," Shade replies gamely. "These fuckers won't know what hit them."

"Keep your guard up," I warn as we turn down the side street, our shadows growing long under the light of the street lamps. "The guy, Caleb, is a siren shifter. That won't be a problem for most of you, but Jennifer is a dragon shifter. Powerful, too, from what I could tell."

"Sounds like fun," Shade mutters as we approach a block of posh apartment buildings at the end of the road. Hunter, Landon, and I come to a stop, craning our necks to stare up at them.

"I can't remember which one it is," I say, feeling my nerves start to go into overdrive. First my powers, and now my memory? Why did I even bother coming here?

"It's that one," says Hunter, nodding to the one on the right. "With the flower boxes outside the window. I remember."

Silas claps him wordlessly on the shoulder as we follow him one by one to the front door. "Allow me," says Landon, muscling to the front of the group, rolling his shoulders, and expelling another stream of soundwaves into the lock. Shade raises his eyebrows at me, but I hold up a hand to signal for him to be patient. A few tense moments later, I hear the sound of the tumblers clicking, followed by the hard chunk of the lock sliding back. Landon gives an exaggerated bow as he tugs the door open, the rest of us following him inside.

It's too early for a doorman to be here, so we march straight to the elevator without any trouble. As the lift slowly begins to rise, the other guys shift around me in a protective formation. "Think I should go last?" I ask doubtfully.


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