Unnatural - Alessandra Hazard Page 0,60

down, brushing his nose against Royce’s. “I’m kind of crazy about you, too,” he murmured with a smile.

Royce’s breathing hitched. “Are you?”

“Mhmm. Very much so.” He hugged his husband tightly and thought, I love you.

“I love you,” Haydn said, because he needed to say it. Crazy about you sounded so inadequate for this all-encompassing feeling that filled his heart with joy and warmth. “It freaks me out when I think we might have never met if the Galactic Council didn’t get sick of our war.”

Royce pressed their foreheads together, his hands cradling Haydn’s face. “I know, love,” he said hoarsely, kissing the corner of Haydn’s mouth. “Fuck, I love you so much I want to live inside of you.”

Haydn shivered, feeling a twinge of arousal. “Maybe we can—”

His phone went off.

Tearing himself away from Royce, he reached to the nightstand where he’d dropped his phone last night and answered it. “Yes?”

“Haydn? It’s Dr. Jordan.”

Frowning, Haydn sat up, wincing a little as Royce’s cock finally slipped out of him. “Do you have news? Did you find a cure—?”

“No,” she said. “I’m sorry, but your cousin has escaped the hospital.”

The phone dropped from his suddenly numb fingers, and he stared out into space, his mind racing.

“Haydn?” Royce said, sitting up, too, and touching his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

“Devlin’s escaped the hospital,” Haydn whispered, fear making his throat tight. “Fuck. He’s—he’s completely defenseless, without any memory and—and anyone might shoot him down like an animal—and—and—”

Royce pulled him into his arms, tucking Haydn’s face against his throat. “Breathe,” he said firmly. “He will be all right. He’s a fully transformed Xeus alpha exponentially stronger and faster than you or me. He’s not easy to hurt.”

Haydn breathed in Royce’s familiar scent and felt himself calm down, little by little. He almost felt guilty for the feeling of safety and well-being that spread through him—how could he feel like this when Devlin was who-knew-where, possibly hurting or being hurt by others?—but he couldn’t fight the feeling. He was in the arms of his mate and husband, and everything felt absolutely perfect, no matter what his brain said.

Haydn sighed and kissed Royce’s throat, allowing himself to just enjoy this for a moment. It was going to be a long day—a long few weeks if he was elected as the Lord Chancellor and Royce replaced Taube as the prime minister.

“I promise you we’ll find him,” Royce said, dropping a kiss on top of his head. “I’ll lead the search personally.”

Haydn snorted in amusement, though he was touched, especially considering how busy Royce was and the fact that he didn’t even like Devlin much. “You don’t need to, silly. I’ll need resources and people, but I’ll lead the search myself. You have enough stuff to deal with today.”

Royce sighed. “I know. I know you’re more than capable of leading the search. Just…” He tipped Haydn’s face up so they looked each other in the eyes. Royce’s expression was serious. “Be careful, all right? I know you love your cousin, but he’s extremely dangerous right now. I hate the thought of you being hurt.”

Haydn smiled crookedly. “I will be careful, I promise. I have no intention of getting hurt and missing out on all the sex I was promised.”

Not fooled by his attempt at levity, Royce kissed him on the forehead and hugged him tightly again. “Everything will be all right,” he stated. “I promise, love.”

Closing his eyes, Haydn allowed himself to melt into his embrace and believe him.


Months later

Royce tore his gaze from his computer and leaned back in his seat with a sigh. The new tax bill proposed to the Senate had failed to hold his attention for long.

He glanced at the clock on the wall and drummed his fingers over the armrest, his skin crawling with agitation.

Haydn should have been back by now.

There was no cause for concern. Haydn could take care of himself. He’d been a war general for over a decade; he could handle tracking down one feral alpha. Besides, Haydn wasn’t alone. He had people with him. There was no reason to worry.

Royce smiled to himself. Who was he trying to kid? No matter what he told himself, it had never managed to quell his anxiety until he had Haydn back in his arms. Every time Haydn left in search of his cousin, following new leads, Royce couldn’t focus on his work until his mate was back. Every single time.

It wasn’t normal, but Royce had made peace with it. Their relationship wasn’t exactly normal, period.

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