Unnatural - Alessandra Hazard Page 0,40

and calm down.

Fuck his father. Fuck him.

But he’s not wrong, is he? a snide voice said at the back of his mind. You behave little better than a bitch when you’re around Royce.

No, he didn’t.

Didn’t you go to your knees and suck his cock in a fucking closet? While your brother-in-law was just outside that closet? You were gagging for it. For another alpha’s cock.

His face burning, Haydn stormed out of the house.

Your father is right. That’s why you’re really angry. You’re ignoring your king, because you’re afraid to speak to him and face what you’ve become. That’s the truth, no matter how you try to swing it.

“Shut up,” Haydn muttered.

“Talking to yourself now?”

Haydn scowled and walked faster. “I’m not in the mood, Devlin.”

“I can see that,” Devlin said, falling into step beside him.

It annoyed Haydn how easily he kept up with him. He might have been in top physical shape, but Xeus alphas had advantages they were born with that made it impossible for Haydn to lose him unless Devlin gave up himself.

“Is there a fire somewhere?” Devlin said, his voice full of amusement.

Haydn sighed. “What do you want, Dev?”

“Just brought you a peace offering,” his cousin said. “So you’d finally stop sulking over what I said.”

“I’m not sulking.”

“Sure. Here.”

When Haydn finally looked at him, he found a bottle of his favorite whiskey in Devlin’s hand. His cousin smiled roguishly. “Peace? Do you have any idea how hard it was to find your favorite poison in this country?”

Snorting, Haydn accepted the bottle. He opened it and brought it to his lips, taking a long, greedy swig. He didn’t drink often, but he kind of needed it right now.

Some of the tension bled out of his shoulders as the alcohol hit his system. “Thanks,” he said.

Devlin shrugged, opening his own bottle and taking a swig. “I’m going home soon. Figured I’d rather not leave while you’re holding a grudge.”

“I wasn’t holding a grudge. And you don’t have to leave. I thought you were avoiding Lord Archvaius’s wrath?”

Devlin made a face. “I can’t avoid it forever. Surely the old coot must have realized by now that his daughter was no innocent virgin I corrupted. He can’t force me to marry her, anyway. And the lady doesn’t want to marry me, either.”

Haydn took another sip from his bottle. “Stay for at least a few more days. I want a backup in case my father or Uncle Yurev decide to corner me.”

“Don’t you have your husband for it?”

“Considering that he’s the reason they’re mad at me, his presence is unlikely to make anything better,” he said, avoiding Devlin’s gaze.


“Shut up.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

Haydn heaved a sigh. “Fine. I’m going to tell you something now, but if you make fun of me, I am kicking you out of this house.”

“Sounds intriguing.”

Haydn caught his bottom lip between his teeth. “I kind of had sex with Royce. Like, several times.”

“Am I supposed to be surprised?” Devlin said. “With the way he’s been all but mauling your neck, I was sure he was dying to stick his dick into you. There’s no such thing as platonic scenting.”

Haydn looked away, his face hot. “I think… I might be a little bit in love with him.” Or a lot.

“Finally. I’m glad you aren’t as stupid as I was starting to think you were.”

Elbowing him, Haydn muttered, “Fuck off.” He looked anywhere but at his cousin. “You don’t think it’s weird? We’re both alphas.”

“It is weird, but whatever floats your boat.”

Haydn said nothing.

He could feel Devlin’s gaze on his face. “What’s the problem, Haydn? Is it about your father?”

Haydn laughed. When was it ever not about him? “Among other things. But alpha-alpha relationships never work, Dev. Everyone knows that.”

His cousin hummed. “There are always exceptions to any rule. Personally, I can’t imagine wanting another alpha—wanting them enough to go against my nature, but if the idea of submitting to him doesn’t make you want to puke, it’s probably a good sign. Alpha-alpha relationships are so rare because they feel off-putting and wrong—our body chemistry is wired against submitting—not because they are wrong.”

Haydn gave him a curious look. “You say it like you know it from experience.”

His cousin shrugged. “I did experiment when I was in college. The one time I tried to hook up with another alpha, we nearly came to blows over who got to fuck whom, so nothing happened.” He smiled a little wistfully. “Which was a pity, because she was gorgeous.” He looked at Haydn, his gaze

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