Unlock the Truth - By Robena Grant Page 0,75

he said. “Amazing.”

“I know,” she whispered, because for some reason she couldn’t find her voice. She ran a hand down his back, caressed his spine. He rolled off her and slung one arm across her chest. He lay like that, totally spent, for a few more moments.

“Be right back,” he said finally, and went into the bathroom.

She stretched out and grinned up at the ceiling.

“Want water or anything?” he asked, from the doorway.

“Nope, I’m fine.”

He climbed back into bed, reached for her, and she curled up against him. “Should we get some sleep?” he asked, and stroked the top of her arm.

“You want me to stay here for the night?”


“What time does Irma arrive?” she asked, rolled toward him and kissed his mouth.

“Around six,” he said. He pulled away from her a bit and gave her a smoldering look. “Don’t start me up again. I’m exhausted.”

She laughed and whacked his upper arm. “What a wuss.”

He pushed her back against the bed and straddled her. “Okay, let’s see who can go the distance.”

Seriously, she was exhausted, too. It had been a long day. “Okay, you’re off the hook. Can you set the alarm for five-thirty? I’ll go back to the casita before Irma gets here.”

“She wouldn’t care.”

“I know, but still—”

“Fine.” He rolled his eyes, set the alarm and reached for her again. He kissed her twice, long leisurely kisses. Then he pulled her up against him, stroked her back and let one hand splay over one butt cheek, claiming it as his own.

“Sleep,” he murmured.

She grinned and snuggled close, not quite ready for sleep but it would come soon. She was beyond satisfied, but wanted to savor the calm and peace that flowed through her body.

Patterns played on the wall from the partially opened window shutters, and she realized she’d often wondered if she was sexually frigid or aloof. Nothing tonight gave her that feeling.

She’d always had this weird idea that you needed to know your partner mentally before physically, had never had a one-night stand, never slept with a married guy and prided herself on that. Old-fashioned perhaps, but it was how she’d conducted her life, and it had never failed her.

Well, except for the lack-luster marriage. Then sex had taken a lesser role. She’d known Zeke for four days. And she’d lied to him. That didn’t sit well with her, she should have told him before they made love but it had all happened so fast. She grimaced, held him a little tighter. He’d understand when she explained. He would.

Thinking of her reasons for being at Three C’s made her think of Carli. Her sister had never hesitated about stealing a moment. She’d lived a short but full life, and never got hung up on sex, and she hadn’t had that same belief that you only had sex with someone you hoped to spend your life with. To her it was a biological need that had to be satisfied.

She hardly knew Zeke, and winced at the thought. Zeke is different. This wasn’t a one-night stand. This was like the equivalent of ten dates when you considered the time they’d spent together. She grinned, maybe even twenty.

Chapter Sixteen

Five-thirty came too soon. Zeke shut off the alarm before it rang. Dena’s dark blond hair was in disarray, eyes shut tight, gorgeous lips parted. Thoughts of the night before flooded his mind. Desire stirred and he reached over, traced one finger down her forearm.

She grinned, opened her eyes. “Is it time to go?”

“Yep, I woke early, slept well though.” He kissed her forehead, then her cheek, her ear. “We have time. I’ll get you to the casita with your reputation intact.” He laughed and pulled her closer, and his mouth sought hers.

She ran a hand down his abdomen. Took him in her hand, stroked him. “Oh, yeah,” she said. “You’re definitely up early.”

He laughed again, turned her on her back and nuzzled her neck, kissed down her chest to those delectable breasts. He teased one nipple, then the other.

“Give me five seconds,” she said, and pulled out of his grasp. “Bathroom, morning breath.”

Who cared about that? He was ready for action and tried to pull her to him. She laughed, and then slid off the bed.

“Okay, there’s a new toothbrush in the cabinet. You’ve got five seconds.”

In five seconds she was back, totally naked and breath smelling peppermint fresh.

“If you’re going to be fussy, I’ll have to do the same,” he said, and sighed heavily. He sat and dangled his legs over

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