UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,95

up, but Ana stares at us, her lips parted in awe, before a smile slowly appears on her face.

“As much as I want you on the back of my bike,” Mountain calls out when we reach his bike. “I am not going to put you in danger like that. You’ll go home with Gator in his truck.”

“Okay.” I nod. “When do you leave?” I chance asking.

It’s been on my mind the entire time I packed and gathered my things. He has made me a promise, but my heart has been racing since he said he was leaving. Racing so damn fast that I’m not sure if I’m even really breathing properly.

“I should leave tonight. But I’m going to leave first thing in the morning.”

Nodding, I lick my lips and stare at my feet.

“Leighton,” he calls out softly.

Lifting my head, my gaze shifts up to meet his. I watch him, waiting for him to speak again.

“I made you a promise, and I will fulfill it.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

He takes a step toward me, lifting his hand, his palm cups my cheek and his eyes focus on mine, they dance beautifully for me. It takes my breath away—he takes my breath away. I can’t believe that I want to run from him.

I was so scared of getting hurt, and I still am, but I’m more terrified of never being with him again. He is different, he is special, and even if he causes me more pain than I’ve ever felt in my life, I think that it will be worth every single shard of my heart that breaks.

Mountain dips his chin, his lips touch mine. “I will fulfill my promise,” he breathes against my mouth right before he completely consumes me.

Chapter Thirty-Three


I should probably feel embarrassed walking back into Mountain’s clubhouse. I should probably feel a lot of things, but I don’t. I left for a reason, and I’m seriously still not completely convinced I need to be back here, but I am.

“Shit,” a man hisses as soon as we walk into the dark bar room.

My feet falter, and I almost trip over them. Lifting my gaze, I look over at him. He’s huge, with a beard. I remember meeting him, but it was all a blur, the short time that I was here. I ran as quickly as I possibly could.

“Nice to see you too,” Mountain grunts.

I can’t take my eyes off of this man, whoever he is. He takes a step toward us, then another. “I’m just going to go out on a limb and say that’s yours?” the man guesses, dipping his chin to look down at my belly.

“Yeah,” Mountain grunts. “Both of them.”

“Presley will be glad to add another woman to the group,” he announces, his gaze flicking from Mountain’s to mine. “You haven’t got a chance to meet her yet. Presley is my wife, she’s a teacher over at the elementary school, so she doesn’t get down here too often.”

I know that I stare at him. My lips part and no matter what I do, I can’t get them to close. An elementary school teacher. This man is married to an elementary school teacher? His mouth curves up into a grin at my obvious surprise.

“I see Mountain didn’t tell you much about your new family. We got all kinds here, babe. We got an ex-heiress type, some veterans, some of us were raised in this life, one of the wives works for the Boys and Girls Club. I could go on. Bottom line is we got it all, babe, be happy to bring you aboard too.”

Offhandedly, I wonder if he truly knows the kind of woman I am. The things that I did, was forced to do, the things that I became indifferent to seeing and doing? Would he really want me here if he knew those things, too?

“I’m Silver, gotta go pick up my boy from school, but we’ll have the girls do a proper welcome this weekend for you, shoulda done it before now.”

He walks away with a wave, without saying anything else. I turn to look up at Mountain, but he’s not looking at me. He’s staring at the gorgeous blonde who is standing next to the sofa that’s pushed against the wall.

The gorgeous blonde who is holding a baby, his baby. The way he’s watching her, his jaw set, his face almost hard. Sadness washes over me. I was right, my gut feeling was right. I’m his sloppy seconds and she is the one

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