UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,77

get some more coming to you, once everything else is set in place.”

Standing, I lift the shoulder strap of the bag and slip my arm through it. It’s heavy as fuck, and I can’t hold back the grunt of surprise.

“I’ll see you again,” I say.

“You will,” he agrees with a jerk of his chin.

Turning around, I leave him in his office. Walking through the home, I almost run over a woman holding a baby.

“Sorry,” I murmur.

When I lift my gaze, I stop in my tracks. She’s an Italian beauty, but that’s not what makes me pause. No, it’s the child in her arms. All of the men in my life, they have babies and children of their own.

“You’re one of the men from the motorcycle club?” she asks, her voice soft and sweet.

I grunt, dipping my chin slightly. “Bellarosa is there?” she asks, wrinkling her nose, as if simply saying, Bellarosa, leaves a bad taste in her mouth.

“She is,” I agree.

She looks over my shoulder, behind me, and I can only assume that Gavino is behind me. She nods her head once. “I was not a fan, but I am glad that she is happy,” she whispers. “Thank you, Tell her that her sister, Pippa. She’s happy and safe. He doesn’t tell me much,” she snorts as she jerks her chin forward.

I chuckle, reaching out and touching the boy on her arm. “I can do that for you. And for the record, I wouldn’t tell you much either. Can’t blame him.”

Without another word, I turn around and make my way toward the front door. It’s odd meeting at his house, he’s never done that before and I wonder if I’ve passed some test of his and he maybe trusts me a little bit. I am under no illusion that men like Gavino, hell, men like me, trust anyone implicitly.

But there must be a bit more now than there was before. Worm is standing in the driveway, his mirrored sunglasses pointed directly at me as I approach. Since Eagle took the truck home almost four months ago, I had no way to get home. Which is why I demanded Worm drive a cage here instead of ride.

“I gotta divvy out some cash to the brothers who helped us. Let’s go to the clubhouse and unload this shit before we head home.”

Worm jerks his chin. “You know I’ve been keeping a digital eye on your woman,” he announces out of the blue as he shifts the truck into drive.

“And?” I ask.

“Don’t know yet. I think she’s still in the area though. I honestly don’t think she’s gone too far.”

Nodding, I lean back in the seat and close my eyes. “Dragon knows where she is. He’s being secretive as fuck. It’s pissing me off,” I say.

Worm is quiet. I think that he’s going to impart some wisdom on me, but he doesn’t. He knows something though. He wouldn’t bring it up if he didn’t. I just think he’s more like Dragon, and is keeping it under his hat for whatever reason.

Honestly, I’m too fucking exhausted to care right now. I’ll get back to Eagar and I’ll find out then. In a week, I’ll have all my answers and my woman. If I have to hold her down, she’s going to be branded and if I have to lock her away in my house, she’s staying fucking put.

“This club, just watch your back,” I grunt as he pulls into the parking area and shifts the truck into park.

I honestly don’t know why the guys decided to stay here when they could have stayed at the same hotel we did in the city. I didn’t ask any questions though, they came here for a job, they did that job and now they can get the fuck gone.

Reaching into the duffel bag, I take the cash that I need to distribute. Our club gets the lion’s share. It was our job, I brokered the deal and they just aided us as backup. My ass and Worm’s, they were on the line. These guys just helped scout, cleanup, and keep eyes on the sick fucks that we were after.

“Watch your back, keep one hand on your gun,” I rasp as we walk toward the clubhouse.

This is an affiliate club, not a Beast club, and even if it was, I would still stay on the alert. The fact is, I trust no one, never have. My own fucking blood, my brother, was a piece of shit, like I’m

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