UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,75

bar shields me from most of the happenings of the club. It’s a constant flow of traffic, men tall and broad, covering the main area of the clubhouse floor. I’m grateful and thankful for every second.

“You can have a break, girl,” Ana calls out.

My gaze flicks around, noticing that the line at the bar has thinned out considerably. I’m kind of afraid to ask where they have all gone. I honestly don’t want to know, so I don’t ask. Just when I’m about to tell Ana that it’s okay, I don’t need a break, Bones appears in front of me.

I haven’t seen him since he dropped me off at Ana’s place two months ago. I don’t ask where his wife is, I don’t think I want to know. Another question I’m not willing to ask because I honestly really do not want the answer to it.

“You okay?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.

“I’m fine,” I whisper.

He shakes his head a couple of times, then laughs softly. “You’re a mess. Honest to fuck though, I figured you’d have tucked tail and gone back to the Beasts by now.”

“And do what?” I ask.

He shrugs a shoulder. “Go back to your man.”

I hum, leaning back against the sink behind me that we use to rinse out the shot glasses. “Again, and do what?”

He quirks an eyebrow, his lips twitching into a grin as he watches me, a humorous smile playing on his lips. I could tell him a million things. I could lie and say that’s where I’m going to go before I head in the complete opposite direction. I do none of it.

“Tell him about that baby in your belly.”

His words are like a stone sinking to the bottom of my stomach. Pressing my lips together, I shake my head once. I think about lying to him. I think about a lot of things, none of which I say or do.

“How did you know?” I ask.

Bones shrugs his shoulder, leaning back slightly as he looks across the bar and directly into my eyes. He clears his throat and just when I think that he’s going to tell me that Ana or Dutch squealed, he stands up, placing his palms against the bar top and leveling me with his gaze.

“Not hard to see. Your face is rounder, your ass bigger, so is your belly. My woman just had one, I know the signs.”

“Don’t tell anyone,” I beg.

“He’s got a right to know. Don’t you think? Unless he abused you, then I’ll just fucking end him and you won’t have to worry about it.”

Reaching across the scarred bar, I wrap my hand around his forearm and squeeze. “He didn’t abuse me. I just… I’m not ready to tell him yet.”

“You got until that belly of yours is popped out. Mainly because these men gossip worse than any woman I’ve ever met and he’ll find out through them. He does and he won’t be fuckin’ happy about it, I know I wouldn’t.”

Nodding, I swallow the lump in my throat. “I’ll tell him in a couple weeks. Just give me a few more weeks,” I beg.

He jerks his chin, turning away from me, and I watch as he makes his way toward a woman sitting next to a leather sofa. There is a carpet down, it looks plush and soft, she’s sitting on her knees, her head bowed and her hair pulled up in a high ponytail.

As soon as Bones stops in front of her, he dips his chin and I see his lips moving. Slowly, she lifts her head, tipping it far back so that she can look up into his eyes. He reaches forward, cupping her cheek before he slides his thumb along her bottom lip.

“He loves her. It looks different than traditional love, but what’s traditional anyway?” Ana asks from beside me.

“I have no clue what love is, so I wouldn’t know the difference between traditional and non,” I whisper.

She’s quiet for a moment, then she slides her arm around my waist and tugs me close to her side. “I don’t know much about love either. But that, with them and the others here. That’s love. Doubt I’ll ever have it, but you will with your new little one, it’s a different kind, but you’ll have it.”

“Yeah,” I breathe.

I’m not so sure she’s right, but I don’t bother arguing. I have no clue if I’ll even be able to show the kind of love a baby needs. Maybe I won’t? Maybe

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