UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,64

said, I wouldn’t go over there for a party when they open the gates. Some of the people that come, they aren’t there to just have fun, they’re there for sex and only sex and they don’t care who they get it from.”

“Have you?”

She shakes her head. “No, but I’ve had a few close calls. I just avoid the area when the gates are open. Sometimes I go to the local bar with them when they all go out together. It’s nice to get out.”

“What do you do for work?”

Ana shrugs a shoulder. “I help out at their clubhouse, clean, cook, bartend if they need help.”

“Shit,” I curse. “That isn’t going to make me any money to leave,” I state.

She laughs. “No, it won’t. But I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Bones will take care of you. Maybe you can find an Old Man here, too.”

Wrinkling my nose, I shake my head. “No thank you.”

“Yeah, I kind of feel the same way. But, then again, it would be nice to have someone at my back, someone who maybe gave a shit about me.”

Pressing my lips together, I look down at my own lap. Instantly, I wonder if Mountain was that someone for me. Someone who gave a shit about me? Nobody has ever said that a man can’t care for you and get his dick wet somewhere else.

Working in bars, I’ve seen lots of men cheat, then go home to their wives and kids. Does that mean that they don’t love them? Or maybe, they just need something that they can’t get at home for whatever reason and instead of leaving, they just take what they need, then head home.

“I’m fucked up,” I whisper aloud.

“We all are.”

“I’m sitting here rationalizing that the man I left can still care for me when as soon as he crosses the city limit sign, he’s balls deep inside of another person. That isn’t normal thinking.”

She shrugs a shoulder as she stands and takes my now empty plate to the trash. “Maybe it’s not normal for other societies, but Leighton, if you haven’t noticed, this isn’t that. These men are not what you see on television as the typical family man. So, I think you have to decide what you want, make it clear, then talk about it with clear boundaries on what’s okay and what isn’t. They’re going to toe the line, it’s in their DNA.”

“Are you sure you’re not seeing any of them?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “I’m not, but I’ve been around them for a while. I was around really bad men that did really horrible things, and I’ll take these mostly good ones with a few transgressions over the really bad ones.”

Her words. They are like a punch to the gut. They’re words that I could have said myself, because I too have been around really fucking bad men.

Suddenly, I feel sick.

Maybe I did leave too soon?

But didn’t I give him boundaries? Didn’t I make it clear what would hurt me most? What I didn’t want?

Wilder just didn’t care.


Stepping out of the building, I grunt at the bright sunlight that shines down on me. Eagle is already standing next to the truck, his glasses pointed directly at me, a smirk playing on his lips. When I approach him, I watch as he slowly shakes his head.

“You didn’t.”

It’s not really a question, more of a statement than anything else. He knows that I did, but he doesn’t know why and honest to fuck, it isn’t his business. I could have told her to fuck off, could have told Black to go fuck himself.

I’m a vice president of the original charter. I am a hell of a lot higher on the totem pole than he is as a president.

But I didn’t. Instead, I did what I did. I’m not even sure why really. It wasn’t out of fear or necessity. It was more along the lines of the fact that I just didn’t feel like dealing with any drama. And telling Black I didn’t want to fuck his Old Lady when that’s their kink, it felt like a whole lotta fucking drama.

“Doesn’t matter,” I grunt as I reach for the door handle of the truck and climb inside. “Let’s get the fuck to New York so that I can find my woman.”

Eagle doesn’t say anything, he shakes his head a couple of times, then jogs toward the passenger side and climbs inside next to me. I drive toward the exit, not

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