UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,35

to Gavino Santoro himself, was someone that he not only kept, but branded and fucking married. I don’t say any of that though. I wait to see what his point is.

“You get anything from her?” he asks.

I think about telling him to fuck himself, but I don’t. Instead, I lift one of my arms and slide my fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends. I’m sure it’s sticking straight up, but it doesn’t matter, nobody is around to see it anyway and even if they were, I couldn’t give a fuck less.

“Not yet. It’s been like five fucking minutes, brother.”

Dragon chuckles. “You fucked her though?” he asks.

I shake my head with a snort. “Of course, I did.”

“Sorry, brother. If it was anything else, I’d let someone else go, but I need you.”

“Why?” I ask.

There’s a moment of silence, I hear some shuffling around and then a sigh. “Gavino wants a meet. I can’t leave, want you to be in charge since you’re my VP. I don’t know what he wants, says he can’t talk about it over the phone. You have a relationship with him and his men, it’s better you go anyway.”

“Fuck,” I hiss. “Fine.”

“You can leave her at the clubhouse so we can keep tabs on her. She can sleep in your room.”

His offer is tempting. I’d be more fucking tempted if she could go with me, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. “There any men that need to be taken care of between here and New York?” I ask.

“You got the itch?” he asks.

Balling my hand into a fist, I squeeze. Maybe it’s because I have to leave her before I even know a fucking thing about her. Maybe it’s because I want to kill any man that hurts a woman the way she’s obviously been hurt. Maybe I just want to fucking murder someone.

But yeah, I got a goddamn itch.

I don’t tell Dragon that, I don’t have to. He honestly didn’t even have to ask the question. He’s known me since I was a punk teenager, he knows me better than I even know myself half of the time.

“We’ll keep an eye on her,” he murmurs.

Looking down at the dirty carpeting, I wonder if I should even care. She’s not mine, not claimed. She can do what she wants, and who the fuck am I to tell her otherwise? But, the thought of anyone touching her, of anything happening to her, that is a feeling that I’m not sure how to define, I’ve never felt it before.

“She’s not branded,” I state.

He hums but doesn’t offer me anything in response to my statement. “Regardless,” he says finally speaking. “We’ll keep an eye on her. You leave day after tomorrow. Plan to be gone a few weeks.”

Dragon ends the call, and I turn around, my body jerking at the sight of Leighton standing at the hall watching me. She doesn’t say anything, her eyes searching my face. We’re both stark buck-assed naked.

“Leigh?” I ask.

“You’re leaving,” she whispers.

I don’t ask her how she knows. Obviously, she heard me get out of bed and eavesdropped without a shameful bone in her body. I don’t blame her, I would do the same, and will if given a chance.

“Just for a bit. You’ll stay at the clubhouse while I’m gone, in my room there.”

She nods her head once, her eyes never leaving mine. “Thought you didn’t want me down there,” she whispers.

“I don’t.”

She’s quiet, tilting her head to the side as she watches me. “Don’t have a choice, so that’s where you’ll be when I’m away. Until I can trust you and just have a man on you here. It’s safer for you down there. I don’t know if someone is looking for you or not.”

Her lips turn up into a shadow of a smile. “Nobody knows I even exist to come look for me, Mountain.”

Chapter Eleven


Leighton’s words about there being nobody who knows of her existence, so there’s nobody looking for her echo in my head. She’s curled away from me, facing the wall. I don’t force her to touch me, and I’m too lost inside of my own head to touch her back.

There is something very fucked up about her. Not just the obvious abuse at the hands of her father and possibly his business dealings, but from her conception. She doesn’t know who her mother is, what she looks like, her name—nothing.

“You awake?” I ask.

She rolls onto her back instead of verbally answering me. I watch

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