UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,14

up into a small grin. “That’s okay, babe. We’ll get you straightened out.”

“Straightened?” I exhale.

He laughs softly, his black eyes glittering as he takes me in. “Yeah, Leighton, straightened,” he says, his voice gruff and husky.

“Okay,” I whisper.

He shakes his head, hiking the strap of his bag up his shoulder again before he slips his hand in mine and turns around, tugging me behind him. I don’t get to see the rest of the bar area on my way out either.

He shuffles me through the dirt, and I try really hard not to complain about my suede white platform sandals getting ruined, but it’s the hardest I’ve ever had to bite my tongue. Ever. Finally, he stops next to a motorcycle and I stomp my foot.

His gaze flicks up to meet mine and he’s got a grin playing on his lips. “Yeah, mi reina, you got a problem?”

“You drug me through all that dirt and my shoes are white suede, and well, they’re ruined,” I point out as I lift my foot for him to see.

His gaze shifts to my feet, then he lifts it back to meet mine. “They’re gonna get trashed on my bike, babe,” he grunts.

I let out a growl, then stomp my foot. This is all that I have, these shoes and the clothes on my back are it, if they get ruined, I have absolutely nothing to replace them. I might even have to go shopping and honestly, I don’t even want to deal with that, plus I have no way to pay for anything.

“I’ll take you for clothes and shit tomorrow, buy you some more.”

All of my frustration and irritation leaves me immediately. “What?” I breathe.

“Buy you some more, babe. Not a big problem.”

Pressing my lips together, I tilt my head to the side. “Shopping?” I ask.

He chuckles. “You like to shop?”

I guess I thought he had my number, like he knew my entire background and took me for a reason. Now, I’m wondering if that wasn’t the case. Maybe he doesn’t realize that I lived in shithole after shithole, paid cash everywhere I went, and worked my ass off doing anything and everything to make a buck.

He thinks I’m Tom Richardson’s spoiled little princess. He has no clue that I haven’t been living the life of luxury the past five years and even before that, when I was, it wasn’t all that luxurious a life to live.

I watch as he climbs on his bike, then starts the engine. He looks back at me and jerks his chin as he adjusts his duffel bag.

Climbing behind him, I wrap my arms around his waist, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip and wondering what the fuck I’ve just gotten myself into. He revs the engine, the bike rumbles and then we zoom forward.

I try to look around at the people around us, but the bike moves too quickly. Closing my eyes, I decide it doesn’t matter who was looking at us or why they were watching.

The wind is in my face, I’m pressed against a gorgeous mountain of a man, and I’m free. I’m not free of this man, but I’m free of my father, free of the disgusting future he had planned for me.

I’m free to breathe again.


Pulling up to the house, I don’t disengage from my bike immediately. It looks like shit on the outside. Apparently when Silver said that prospects had been taking care of the place, it only included a basic mowing of the lawn.

Moving the bike to the driveway, I kill the engine. Leighton climbs off of the bike before I do. I don’t look at her, too afraid of what her first impression is, though should I really care? I’m not sure. There is nothing I can do to change it, this is my house, my entire family abandoned it years ago, but it’s mine now.

Walking toward the front door, I stop at the little frog beside the door and grab the key. “That’s a terrible hiding spot,” Leighton points out.

Looking over my shoulder, I smirk at her as I straighten my back and stand tall. “My mother did that shit. I thought it was stupid when she did, but when I left here, I didn’t take a key with me.”

“Wait,” Leighton calls out when I turn the knob. “Your mother isn’t here, is she?”

I let out a snort. “No. She ran off with some rich fucker years ago, haven’t seen her since.”

Twisting the knob, I push the door

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