UnHinge Me (Savage Beast MC #6) - Hayley Faiman Page 0,116

It’s not fucking possible for me to

be calm right now. Leighton is missing, she’s gone and nobody even fucking called me.

“Where the fuck were they, when they were taken?”

His eyes shift to the side, then come back to meet my own. “Your house.”

I release him, pushing him backward slightly before I lift my hands and run my fingers through my hair. Tugging on the strands of my hair, I shake my head. My house. My fucking house. They were taken from my own goddamn house.

“Who?” Hawk rasps. “Who took my daughter?”

Dragon shrugs his shoulder. “We don’t know. We have no fucking clue. There’s been zero communication and Worm can’t find anything, either.”

“They vanished?” I ask. “That’s what you can give me, they just fucking vanished?” I shout. “My woman, my baby, they fucking vanished?”

My heart starts to beat harder and harder. I feel like it’s going to stop, it’s slamming against my chest so fucking hard. Hawk takes a step forward, his eyes wide as he shakes his head.

“Where is my daughter?” he demands. “Where is my fucking daughter?”

Dragon doesn’t have any answers. He doesn’t have anything. I feel helpless. I stumble backward. I haven’t felt this way in years, not since my brother was beating the shit out of me. I took that helplessness back just a couple days ago when I ended his life. Now, I’m there all over again—fucking helpless.

“Jaguar is on the phone,” Taz announces.

We all freeze, even Dutch. He knows what happened with Jaguar, although he’s been pretty quiet, he’s in the know, he’s watching everything and better than me, because he’s staying really fucking calm.

“Fuck,” Dutch hisses. “Jaguar?”

Taz dips his chin, handing him the phone. It’s not even a cell, it’s the fucking clubhouse landline. I forgot that it even worked still. I thought that Silver canceled that shit a long time ago. I’m kind of glad that he didn’t at this point.

“What the actual fuck?” Dragon asks. “Do you know where they are? You know this means war, right? And you are on the wrong side,” he hisses. There’s a moment of silence, then Dragon speaks again. “We’ll fuckin’ see.”

We all watch with bated breaths, waiting for Dragon to enlighten us on the conversation. When he doesn’t immediately, I take a step forward. He lifts his head, his eyes finding mine.

“They were taken to the Donkey Punchers. I don’t know why, but Jaguar is with them. He saw them, he got them out.”

“Where the fuck are they?” I demand on a hiss.

Dragon’s gaze lifts to mine. “He doesn’t know. All he could do was help them escape the clubhouse. Says he has a reason he needs to stay, but that he wants to make shit right. They’re up in NorCal in the woods. He said he can’t go out and look for them, that he’s doing something there, something he can’t tell me about yet.”

“Fuck him. I see him and I’m ending him,” I growl. “I’ll put the bullet through his head myself.”

“Mountain,” Taz shouts. “He didn’t take them. He didn’t have to help them and he sure as fuck didn’t have to call us to not only tell us where they are, but where he is too. Trista is my Old Lady and she’s gone too, you ain’t the only one whose woman is missing.”

Pressing my lips together, I try not to tell him and everyone else to go fuck themselves. Taking a step toward Dragon, I lift my hand, extending my finger and pointing it directly in the center of his chest.

“You didn’t call me. If something happens to her that I could have prevented. You didn’t fucking call me.”

“It wouldn’t matter, we didn’t know where she was.”

“You don’t get to make that call,” I grind out.

He leans forward, his lip curled in a snarl. “I’m the fucking president, so yeah, I do.”

Shaking my head, I open my mouth to speak, but Hawk beats me to it. “No, Dragon. You don’t. You’ve overstepped, again. I get you toe the line and usually shit works out fine when you do. This is different, that wasn’t your call to make. Mountain deserved to know his woman was missing and I sure as fuck deserved to know my daughter was.”

“She ain’t branded. And Trista’s man knew she was gone. I am well within the fucking scope of my duties and requirements as president of the Savage Beasts.”

“You’re a fuckin’ asshole,” I snap. “You want to lose your loyalty?” I ask. “This is how it

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