Unhallowed (Rath and Rune #1) - Jordan L. Hawk Page 0,93

not.” His thin lips pursed. “I understand that there are more of these infernal books scattered about in Widdershins?”

“Yes,” Sebastian said, who’d been summoned along with Ves to the head librarian’s office. “Three more: blood, flesh, and bone.”

Mr. Quinn steepled his spidery fingers in front of him. “We are the Librarians of Widdershins. Our task is to watch over the town, in whatever way we are able. This is a task that seems uniquely suited to us. Therefore, I would like for the two of you to continue Mr. O’Neil’s work and attempt to find the rest of the Books of the Bound, before they can cause any further trouble.”

“Of course,” Ves agreed, the same moment Sebastian said, “It would be our honor, sir.”

“Excellent.” Mr. Quinn sat back in his chair. “Oh, Mr. Rune, I would very much like to speak to your brother about a possible position in the library. Behind the scenes, naturally; I wouldn’t wish to burden him with Dr. Leavitt or Dr. Norris.”

Ves’s heart quickened, and he exchanged a glance with Sebastian, who inclined his head slightly.

“I…I think he might like that,” Ves said. “I’m not certain how he would come to work, though. He can’t pretend to be completely human the way I can.”

Mr. Quinn waved one thin hand. “A matter to be worried about should he accept my offer. Where are you staying?”

Bonnie had proved as good as her word. “We’re both staying with Sebastian’s family, for the time being.”

“Excellent. I shall call upon you tonight, if that is convenient.”

“It—it is.” In his wildest dreams, Ves had never thought such a thing might happen. “Thank you for your generosity, sir.”

Mr. Quinn’s smile was a tad unsettling. “Oh, I assure you, this is not charity, Mr. Rune. Now, I shall let you return to your work.”

They both nodded, but as they turned to the door, he added, “One more thing, gentlemen. Though thankfully I myself experience no such attractions, I am not insensible to their existence. So I shall tell you what I told Miss Endicott and Mr. Waite: there is to be no…high spirited behavior…in the library. Do I make myself clear?”

Ves’s cheeks burned with embarrassment, but Sebastian grinned. “We’re professionals and will comport ourselves as such, Head Librarian.”

“See that you do.”

As soon as they were safely out of the office and hurrying down the corridor, Sebastian bumped his elbow against Ves’s. “This is wonderful! And Noct will be able to work here too!”

“Yes.” Unease touched Ves when he remembered Mr. Quinn’s smile. “Though…why? He’s intelligent, and more knowledgeable than I when it comes to the arcane arts, but he has no experience working as a librarian.”

Sebastian shrugged. “I’ve learned it’s best not to ask why Mr. Quinn does anything. Possibly he can’t pass up the chance to have another sorcerer on staff. Or maybe he just thinks all those arms will come in useful sorting books.”

“Honestly, that does seem likely.” They came to the bindery door, and Ves slowed. “I’d like to speak with Irene. Do you know where she is?”

Sebastian nodded. “She’s with the rest of the Endicotts, sealing the Book of Breath back in where it belongs. Come on—I want to see how they’re doing.”

It had been five days since he’d bound the book to Sebastian. A doctor had treated the wound in his arm, and it didn’t seem to pain him much. Or at least, it hadn’t when they’d made love last night.

Ves stopped that train of thought before it distracted him too much. “How are you feeling?” he asked as they made their way through the maze of the stacks. “No untoward side effects of having a murderous book bound to you?”

Sebastian shook his head. “No. None I’ve noticed so far, at least.”

Hopefully it remained that way. Whatever happened, Ves wasn’t going to see Sebastian go down the same road as Dromgoole.

“Do you think we’ll see Fagerlie again?” Sebastian added.

After they’d bound Emeline, it had taken a while for anyone to remember Fagerlie. When three librarians had gone to secure him, they’d found only the tie Sebastian had knotted around his wrists. In the midst of the commotion, he’d somehow slipped out of the library and vanished.

“If he values his health, he’ll stay far away,” Ves said darkly.

They reached the Astronomy and Physics Collection. Over the weekend, Kelly O’Neil’s body had finally been located, stuffed behind a shelving unit. Arthur had poured plaster over the corpse in an attempt to seal in the smell, which had worked well enough

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