Unforgettable (Gloria Cook) - By Gloria Cook Page 0,49

offered to sponsor my fees to go to college or even university. He wants the leeway to move in on Mum now she’s planning to get a divorce. Guy, of course, has offered to pay all the legal expenses. But Mum is just as likely to change her mind. She really adored my rotten old man. Guy will just add to her confusion.’

Belle looked Finn in the face and he gazed blatantly back into her eyes. He had done many drawings of her, secretly hidden in a tiny wall cupboard in his room, a place once used to keep candles and lanterns. He drank Belle in, breathed her in, stealing more and more of her for his forbidden memories. The beautiful reality of her now was more than an image. It was written all over his heart and as soon as he was alone he would capture it on paper. For the millionth time he imagined kissing her lush lips. ‘But some of what you’ve said isn’t a bad thing, Finn.’

‘It is to me,’ he said, his voice dropping to a husky quality. ‘I’m not ready to leave Eloise in anyone else’s care. Mum seems to love her as a mother should, but she could easily slip back again into that awful depressed state. Eloise is my responsibility and I’ll be keeping it that way for some years to come. My future doesn’t count. Besides, after all the troubles of the last months I’m perfectly happy.’ I’m not ready to leave the area and hardly ever see you. I’m perfectly happy when I’m close to you like this.

‘That’s good to hear, and I do believe anyone can make something of themselves no matter what their circumstances are. Now Fiona is beginning to venture out again, I’d like to invite her over to The Orchards,’ Belle said. ‘Do you think she would join us for Sunday tea tomorrow? Sam has invited Jenna, but we’ll still be a small group.’

‘She might possibly,’ Finn smiled, happy to get another chance to be where Belle was. ‘But Guy Carthewy is there most Sundays.’

‘Well, he’s welcome too. I think he and Charlie would get on fine.’

‘They haven’t got anything in common,’ Finn said, keeping the sharpness out of his answer. Except for both of them getting in my way. He loathed it when Belle mentioned Charlie.

A sudden stir of excited voices made them look towards the edge of the lawn. Pushing Eloise in her pram was Fiona, and Guy was with her, looking wholly like a complete family. ‘Mum’s here!’ Finn squawked in disbelief.

‘Right then, I can ask them both to tea personally.’ Belle was up and walking towards the newcomers. Finn ran after her.

Verity was the first of the crowd to reach Fiona and Guy. ‘Hello!’ Then she lowered her voice sensitively. ‘You look wonderful, Fiona, and you’ve done very well to come out. What did you think of your first look at Nanviscoe and now here? Hello Guy.’

‘It’s all very charming.’ Fiona’s reply was genuine and nervous. Her hair had reclaimed its glossy sheen, and the feather-embellished hat she wore pinned jauntily to the side of her head was sleek and chic. In a classic tea dress with peplum waist and silk stockings, her heels not too high to accommodate her long walk, she was a picture of discreet glamour, and was receiving many complimentary comments. She glanced at Guy for support. He was hovering protectively. ‘I’ve been thinking for a while now about walking to the village. Guy convinced me I might as well plunge in and come to this event where I’ll meet just about everyone at once.’

‘Well, let me introduce you to some people,’ Verity said. ‘Here comes Belle. And Mrs Mitchelmore is on the way. You’ve heard all about her.’ Verity watched Fiona anxiously, hoping she would cope with the exuberant greeting she would get from the lady of the manor and the influx of people wanting to see the baby, and Fiona and her generous landlord. At least she wouldn’t have to contend with the bitchy Delia Newton. She need not have worried. Fiona was calling on her old hostess skills and chatted quite comfortably to all the well-wishers and nosy parkers. She thanked those she knew had been good to Finn. Guy was charm and gallantry itself and many asked about the changes to Merrivale, saying they were pleased the renovations would have laid the old ghosts to rest. Finn was all smiles to have his baby

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