Unforgettable (Gloria Cook) - By Gloria Cook Page 0,104

acknowledge the child and provide for it. He doesn’t love Jenna. He doesn’t want to settle down with her or anyone yet. He was honest with her. He knows he’s done wrong and will have to bear the brunt, but he has the wisdom to know a forced marriage would only make them both miserable in the end.’

Suddenly Sam charged at Finn. ‘You were trying to get at my mother? I’ll kill you!’ Before he could smash his fist across Finn’s face Finn raised his arms in defence and took the blow.

‘Please!’ Dorrie managed to make her plea cut through all the anger and malice. ‘This isn’t helping anyone. Can’t you see all this is just one of life’s occurrences? Finn had an intense schoolboy infatuation on Belle. Sam and Jenna have done what young people have done and regretted through the ages. It’s sad they won’t be getting married, but there it is. What good is fighting and fury going to do anyone? The facts aren’t going to change. There’s a baby involved in this, a baby that deserves to come safely into the world and to receive only love and care from its parents and both sets of grandparents. The baby will be related to the Lawrys and Vercoes. I suggest those involved calm down and go into, or back to, their homes. If a go-between is needed you know where I am.’

No one moved or spoke, twitched a nerve or took a deep breath. Dorrie and Verity exchanged rueful looks. Then the soft snivels of Jenna were heard. Dorrie and Verity’s hearts went out to the girl. She was the one who would have to face the public shame and bear the baby, a daunting prospect for a woman who was still really a girl.

Wiping blood and sweat off his hairy face, Denny blasted one last look of enmity at Sam and then Charlie. He went to Jenna. ‘Come on, dry your eyes. I’m taking you home. Me and your mother will look after you. A new baby is welcome in our home even if it isn’t elsewhere.’

Dorrie watched as the Lawrys formed into a protective huddle. Sam and Charlie stared down at the ground. ‘Thanks for what you said, Dorrie,’ Belle said, looking grave and critical. ‘I’m sorry you and Verity got involved in this. It’s not your family problem. We’ll sort this out ourselves.’

Finn looked at Tilly, his expression worried. Dorrie was sure of his thoughts – what would Tilly think of him now?

Tilly simply put her hand in his. ‘Let’s go.’

Jack Newton’s car was filled again and was off for its original destination. Finn got out at the crossroads to walk to the hall. He waved goodbye to Tilly, watching until the car disappeared.

‘Poor Jenna, I can hardly believe she’s got herself into trouble,’ Tilly said in a small voice, from the back seat. ‘I’m sorry about all this, Miss Verity. I promise I won’t let family troubles affect my work or, um, let myself get into the same situation.’

‘I trust you, Tilly, and I can see how much Finn cares for and respects you. As for Jenna, these things happen. During the war I typed up a lot of official papers for a charity that placed a lot of fatherless babies into adoption. It was very sad. At least Jenna has the support of her family, including you and Cathy. Cathy will be shocked to hear the news. You must spend the afternoon together to do as you please.’

‘Yes, madam, thank you,’

‘Miss Verity will do for now and next year Mrs Newton. Aunt Dorrie, are you all right? You’re very quiet.’

‘I’m fine. It’s just all these sudden dramas and changes. As Tilly says, a lot can happen in a year –, well in just a few months really – but I must remember most have been for the good. Hopefully all will go smoothly at the hall opening.’


Up on the little stage of the smart Peace Hall, which smelled strongly of fresh paint and new timber, and buzzed with excited chatter and the clinking of teacups, Greg raised his arms and called for hush.

‘Thank you, thank you, everyone,’ he said in a loud happy voice as a shuffling quiet spread in an interested wave over the gathering. ‘I have here a message from Mrs Mitchelmore and it was now, after the grand opening and the press had gone, that she specified she wanted it to be read out. Dorrie, are you sure you

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