An Unexpected Earl (Lords of the Armory #2) - Anna Harrington Page 0,56

before Parliament ends. If they think you’re not behind it—” He forced out through gritted teeth, “For God’s sake, the blackmailer will destroy everything, don’t you understand? Everything!”

“You mean that he will destroy your corrupt career,” she shot back, keeping her voice low enough not to be overhead. But anyone in the crowd with eyes could have seen they were arguing. “Not me or my charity—you’ve never once cared about how the blackmailer could destroy my shop and ruin the lives of all the women who work for me. All you care about is yourself, your own career, your own gain. And you’ve committed all kinds of illegal activities because of that.”

“You don’t know—”

“I know!” she hissed out in a whisper so she wouldn’t be overheard. “All the lying and cheating, the political favors… God only knows what other things you’ve done that I don’t know about. It all ends now. Now, Frederick.”

There would be hell to pay once the ball was over and they were home, where he could berate her openly, take away what little allowance he gave her, once again threaten her shop—

But she simply couldn’t go on this way. God help her, but she’d rather endure Freddie’s wrath than Pearce’s affections. The anguish would be less.

“If you push on with this trust, then you’ll do it without my help in persuading Pearce.” She choked as her throat tightened. “I’m done with your games. All of them.”

His hand tightened on her arm, and his face twisted with outrage. “Why, you ungrateful, ruined piece of—”

“Miss Howard!”

The Duchess of Hampton appeared at her side, all smiles and flitting fan, but Amelia could sense the underlying tension in her. And the concern.

“I’ve been looking for you everywhere. And here you are.” Danielle’s gaze dropped icily to Freddie’s hand as he gripped Amelia’s arm, and she muttered, “With your caring brother.”

With a smile, Danielle slid her arm around Amelia’s and gently took it away from Freddie, who had no choice but to release her unless he wanted to create a scene, one involving a duchess no less. But he was livid at being interrupted. Amelia could see it in the way his lips nearly snarled like a dog’s.

“You hurried off so quickly before we had the chance to finish our conversation.” Danielle turned her attention to Freddie and smiled tightly. “I wanted to invite your sister to Charlton House for dinner next week. Of course, Mr. Howard, we would expect you to escort her.”

He straightened at the offer of dinner with a duke. “Of course, Your Grace, I’d be honored—”

“Do you know my husband, Mr. Howard?” She dismissively waved a gloved hand at herself, for foolishly asking that question. “But of course you do. It seems my husband knows everyone from being a general at Waterloo and now as a duke. Simply everyone.” Her eyes fixed coldly on Freddie. “Given that he seems to know everyone and has a great deal of influence over Parliament and the Regent—and given that I have a great deal of influence over my husband—” She laughed, but the warning she was delivering was clear as glass. “I would hate to be one of those men foolish enough to displease either of us.” Her smile faded. “Wouldn’t you agree, Mr. Howard?”

He paled as he realized the true meaning behind the duchess’s invitation. To put him in his place.

“Yes, Your Grace,” he returned stiffly. Her point had struck home like an arrow.

The duchess no longer bothered with polite pretense. “Your sister is obviously unwell, and whatever conversation you two were having seems only to have distressed her further.” She placed a second hand on Amelia’s arm in a private suggestion that she remain silent. But Amelia wouldn’t have dreamed of stopping her now. The woman was a force of nature. “I’ll see to her care this evening, and the Duke and I will make certain she arrives home safely.”

“Your concern is appreciated, but you needn’t trouble yourself. I can attend to Amelia and—”

“Absolutely not.” The hard look Danielle shot him brooked no argument.

Amelia stared at her, blinking. Good heavens, who needed her husband’s army to come to the rescue when the duchess was as capable as this on her own?

Danielle forced a smile that left her eyes cold. “I see no reason for you to leave the party early. I think you should spend the rest of the evening here enjoying yourself. All evening.” Her voice was soft, but the order to stay away from Amelia tonight Copyright 2016 - 2024