The Underworld - By Jessica Sorensen Page 0,47

“Mine were. And to have a child who bore the Mark of Malefiscus was a disgrace in their eyes.”

“Malefiscus’s mark is not a disgrace.” Demetrius said to Stephan as they walked by us, and I had to turn so that I could keep my eyes on them. “It’s a gift. We have been chosen since birth—since before birth to free him and everyone else who was bound by his sentencing.”

“And now we have,” Stephan said thoughtfully as he lightly traced his finger down his scar.

“Yes, and now we have,” Demetrius agreed.

“Gemma,” Nicholas said so abruptly that he scared the crap out of me and I screamed.

I flung my hand over my mouth, breathing heavily. And that’s when it happened. Stephan stopped, his head tilting to the side as he glance over his shoulder.

“Nicholas,” I whispered. “You need to get us out of here. Right now.”

Nicholas gave me a look, and I could tell immediately that it was going to be a pain in the butt to get him to cooperate. “I don’t know about that,” he said “I think before I do, you should explain to me what’s got you freaked out.”

I looked at Stephan who seemed to be looking right at me. Fear pulsated through my body. “I will, okay, just as soon as we get back.”

Nicholas dithered, and I wanted to smack him right across his pretty-boy faerie face. “I don’t know. I kind of like being out here alone with you.”

“Nicholas,” I shouted. “Get us out of here. Now!” Glancing over at Stephan, I saw he was walking toward us, swiftly moving across the ice.

“What are you doing?” Demetrius called out. Stephan didn’t reply, still heading at us, as if he knew we were there. But how could he? It wasn’t how visions worked.

I grabbed Nicholas by the arm, my eyes pleading. “There is someone in this vision that I’m pretty sure can either see or sense that we’re here. And if he can, then it’s very, very bad.”

I thought he’d argue with me and say that no one in visions could see the vision seer, but instead, to my surprise, he grabbed my hand, looking rather anxious. “Okay, let’s go.”

I casted one last glance at Stephan, who was now charging at us full speed with the Sword of Immortality clutched in his hand. He was so close that I could see the darkness in his eyes and the roughness of his scar.

“Nicholas…” I said as Stephan reached out for me. I opened my mouth to scream and then everything went black.

Chapter 14

“Holy…crap!” I was standing back in Adessa’s living room, but the fear of what had just happened still lingered in my body, and had me gasping for air.

“Who was it?” Nicholas asked quickly and with very little patience. “Who was in the vision?”He still had hold of my hand and I tried to pull it out of his grip, but he tightened, refusing to let go. “Gemma.” His tone was a warning as he put a hand on each of my shoulders and looked me directly in the eyes. “Tell me who it was that could sense our presence. It’s important.”

“Why?” I asked. “Why would anyone be able to sense we were there?”

“Because…” He paused, eyeing me over. “Because it means the vision has already been seen or told to the person who is in the vision.”

For some reason this did not surprise me. I knew Stephan had been told visions of the future and the world at its end. It was what had started the whole star thing. A simple vision of the end of the world and how one star’s energy could save it. Although, that particular story was probably not accurate, but at one point I thought it was.

“So…How does that make it so they can sense me?”

“Because they’ve been told by another Foreseer that a Foreseer will be present at that moment. It wasn’t like he could see you or anything, just that he could sense you were there.”

“So is it bad?” I asked, my shoulders sliding out from under his hands as I took a step back. “That he knew I was there.”

Nicholas shook his head in puzzlement. “What is it with you…There must be something extraordinary about you.” He shook his head again, watching me with intense eyes. “First you can go into visions without a crystal ball and now you’re going into other peoples visions…It’s amazing.”

I tried to play cool. “It’s not that amazing.”

“Yes, it is.”

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