Under the Moon (Goddesses Rising) - By Natalie J. Damschroder Page 0,90

with her. He’s obviously been elsewhere.”

“He’s here now though.” Nick shifted his leg.

“We think. And the Society wouldn’t know that.”

“Unless they’re tracking your movements and think he’s coming after you at the full moon. Using you as bait.”

Quinn stared at him, another shocking possibility filling her head. Her skin flushed. Nick stared back. Then, obviously reading her, he made a “what the hell?” face. “You think they’re tracking you through me?”

“No. Not exactly.”

“Then what?”

“I called John,” she admitted. “Maybe that triggered— He didn’t know about the rogue thing.”

Nick groaned. “What the hell did you do that for?”

“I was worried. I don’t know what’s going on.”

“Seems clear to me. This tornado guy—”


“Whatever. He knows I’m your protector, and he made Hollinger send out that accusation hoping I’d be recalled. Leaving you vulnerable.”

“I’m not vulnerable right now, so it didn’t work.”

“And I wanted to keep it that way. If John knew, he would recall me. So, what?” He returned to Quinn’s concern. “You think Tournado’s got John’s phone tapped or something?”

“I don’t know.” She thought about Jennifer. “You know, we were wondering why that e-mail didn’t get out. It was on the group mail. But if Jennifer hadn’t been leeched yet, maybe she ensured it only came to me, instead of to the whole Society. You know, protecting you. Us.”

“Goddess voodoo,” he said. “You blew me off when I suggested it. Could she do that?”

“Not voodoo,” Quinn insisted. “Hacking. Or something like that. She could have coded her e-mail so Anson wouldn’t know what she was doing.”

Nick’s frown cleared. “That could explain why it stayed quiet. So when Tournado’s attempt to discredit me or get me away from you didn’t work, he came here and shot me. Trying to take me out or, what, lure you up here?” He shook his head, unconvinced. “How did he know I was coming?”

Quinn didn’t have the answers, and she could tell they were about to go in circles again. She needed a break. “Let’s get the food.” She got out and went around the car, but Nick stood without her help and limped into the restaurant. The scent of spicy tomato sauce and toasting bread filled the air. Her stomach growled again, and Nick grinned.

“You always were a stress eater.”

She smacked him on the arm. “I didn’t finish breakfast.” He smiled and rubbed the back of her neck, and both the muscles and inner tension loosened. How did he do that so effortlessly?

They sat at a tiny table while they waited for the food they’d ordered.

“Back to Marley,” Nick said, leaning on his arms and putting his face inches from hers so they wouldn’t be overheard.

It was too close, because in easing her tension, he’d attracted her body’s attention. “Hang on.” They’d been gone twenty minutes, and she wanted to check in. Get her equilibrium back somehow. And get a little distance from Nick. She pulled out her phone and dialed Sam, who answered right away.

“Everything’s fine here.”

“Okay.” She let out a long breath and finally felt normal. “The food should be ready in ten. Then we’ll be back.”

“Got it.”

“See anyone else?”

“I met Fran. She’s as protective as Nick. Doesn’t like me.”

Quinn drew in a quick breath at the word. “Do you think she’s a real protector?”

“Could be. Ask Nick.”

“I will. See you soon.” She closed the phone.

“Does he think who’s a real protector?”

“Fran, Marley’s assistant manager. Sam said she’s very protective. It would be a good cover, right?”

Nick looked disgusted. “If she is, she’s not a very good one. Marley was alone with us for way too long while Fran was doing laundry.”

“Good point. Maybe she’s not. We’ll ask when we get back.” She glanced up when the guy behind the counter rang a bell, but the number he called wasn’t theirs.

The important question had to be asked. “Do you think Marley’s still working with Anson? That all this was deliberate?”

“If she is, she’s a good actress. I don’t get a lying vibe off her.”

“Me, neither. But my judgment is clouded.”

Nick’s face softened. “I didn’t think you’d admit that.”

“I thought I’d made it kind of obvious.”

“Yeah, but your judgment is clouded.” He smiled, and her heart rolled.


He picked up her hand and held it between both of his. Her skin warmed, the sensation spreading up her arm and into her body, filling her. Natural attraction fed into her hunger, and she closed her eyes, trying to keep it at bay.

“Quinn, no one’s judgment is less clouded than yours. You want her to be cool.

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