Under the Billionaire's Shelter - Jamie Knight Page 0,8

Polly rejoiced with all her little soul.

“Fancy meeting you here,” Leif said, hopping down off his bike, remaining a good six feet back.

I had only known him for a few days, but I wanted to run to him. To hold him and kiss him and feel his warmth against me. But I didn’t.

I knew it would be a bad idea to throw myself at a guy like that in general, and it could also get us a citation from one of the patrols that had recently taken to prowling the park like lions on the savannah, pouncing on the unruly or unwary.

“Where Liff go?”


I looked around, realizing Leif had disappeared. His bike was still on the grass. Only when I saw him waving from a nearby tree did I realize what was going on. My heartbeat slowed to a more regular rate.

“You’d better go find him.”

“Liff!” Polly called, toddling off in pursuit.

She was nearly around the tree before he scooted back to the front. They repeated the process, Leif always seconds ahead, before popping out and making himself known. Much to Polly’s delight; her gleeful giggling followed each reveal.

“Find Liff!” Polly declared, toddling back to me at full speed.

“Good job, baby.”

“Where are you headed?” Leif asked.

“From the park or in life?”

“Both, if you like.”

I was silent for a second, not really expecting that to be his answer, despite my flippant question. He actually seemed to be interested, which was a refreshing change.

“We were headed home. Just needed some fresh air, you know?”

“Yeah, actually. It was pretty much the same for me. I’m working from home these days, but I just needed to get out before I started climbing the walls. I love my job but there’s only so much one can take. I am but flesh and blood.”

“Can we see you again?” I asked, a bit of desperation seeping out.

“Yeah, of course. Will you be here tomorrow?” he asked.

“Yes, and at home tonight.”

“In your robe?”

He had lowered his tone so only I could hear.

“If you like.”

“I would, my pet.”

“Yes, sir,” I whispered, feeling a familiar thrill.

He grinned at me, something in his smile promising new and exciting pleasures later. I hurried home in a daze, only to realize that Polly and I weren’t alone after I had unburdened myself of the stroller and my shoes.


The reckoning was fast and intense. She wielded the empty wine bottle in her hand like a weapon. The fury of a raging fire glowed in her eyes. She was actually growling a little.

“Mommy!” Polly cried, hiding behind me.

“Who is he?”

“Who is who?” I blinked innocently.

“Don’t give me that crap! You downed the entire bottle! You only do that when there's a guy. Do you have a secret boyfriend?”

“Not exactly,” I said, not sure precisely what was going on with Leif. Other than that I might be starting to love him, of course.

“Give me some details,” Meegan said, calming down.

“I met a guy in the park the other day. I was walking with Polly and he passed by on his bike and we kind of just hit it off.”

I felt like her eyes were melting me into the ground. I never wished I had the money to move out more than right then. Alas, I was an unemployed single mom and that just wasn’t realistic.

“His bike,” Meegan said flatly, arching her eyebrow.

“Yeah. A really nice one, actually. We went on a picnic yesterday. He had two blankets and two baskets set six feet apart. It was really neat.”

“If only he wasn’t a bum,” Meegan snarled.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on. He rides a bike, in New York?”


“Is he carrying packages while he does it?”

“Not that I saw.”

“Then he’s a bum who can’t afford a car.”

There was no point in trying to argue with her. She would always dig in deep and wouldn’t let it go until I relented.

“I guess.”

“Guess nothing. Don’t let things get too serious with this loser. You’ve already been hurt by one asshole who disappeared as soon as Polly was born.”

Ouch. She never missed an opportunity to remind me.

“I know. We’re not really in a relationship. We just talk, is all. The picnic was a fun date but there is nothing more to it.”

It wasn’t really a lie. While it was mostly due to the lockdown, we hadn’t even touched each other yet.

But still - how intense and fulfilling that video-call had been, giving me more pleasure than any previous guy had ever managed to. Even though it only really came down to

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