The Ultimate Betrayal - Kat Martin Page 0,52

it’s bigger than most people’s homes. She takes great care of the kids when I’m working, so everything is good.”

“You don’t miss the army?”

“Only every minute of every day.”

Bran laughed. “Listen, I might have a way you can help. I’m headed to Denver with a client. She’s going to need protection while I’m tracking down the SOB who killed Janos Petrov. Can you handle it?”

Excitement shaded Ty’s voice. “You bet I can. I’m working security, but it’s pretty routine. You want the truth, except for the kids, most of the time I’m bored out of my skull.”

“So I guess you miss jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.”

Ty chuckled. “You better believe it.”

Bran smiled. “We’ll be in late this afternoon. We’ll let you know where we’re staying once we get there.”

“Why don’t you stay here? This place is like Fort Knox. Guarded gate, the whole bit, plus it’s up in Evergreen, a little ways out of the city. Safest place your client could be.”

Bran mulled over the idea. His first concern was the safety of Ty’s kids, but at the moment Weaver’s crew had no idea where they were and no way to track them. Being somewhere outside the city would make it even harder. And with any luck, they wouldn’t be there long.

“Sounds great. I’ll phone you when we get close.” Bran ended the call and glanced toward the bedroom. The water in the shower had just started running. His pulse kicked up. He started peeling off his clothes as he headed toward the bathroom.

He was naked by the time he pulled open the door. The plastic shower curtain wasn’t an obstacle. Jessie’s big green eyes widened as he stepped in with her, his erection already rock hard.

He reminded himself to go easy, that she was still getting used to him. Reaching for the soap, he lathered his hands and began to spread thick white bubbles all over her delicate curves. Jessie moaned as he gently soaped her breasts, slid his hands down to her sex.

Sweet Jesus, he hoped the hot water didn’t run out because he didn’t plan to hurry.

* * *

The hotel wasn’t much, but the shower was pure luxury. At least when Bran Garrett was giving her his personal spa treatment.

Jessie bit back a moan. Those big hands were all over her, gently spreading soap bubbles across her rapidly heating skin. He seemed to know exactly where to touch her, exactly what to do to make her burn.

He soaped her breasts and between her legs until she was panting, the shower making her muscles loose and pliant. She wanted more, wanted all of him, wanted to feel his heavy erection inside her.

A deep, scorching kiss had her insides quivering. She barely noticed when he lifted her, wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Hang on to my neck,” he softly commanded, cupping her bottom to hold her in place. He propped her shoulders against the shower wall to steady her, eased himself inside, and dear God, he felt good. Big and hard and amazing. He slid even deeper, taking it slow and easy, until she started begging for more. Bran hissed in a breath and began moving faster, deeper, harder, setting off every nerve ending in her body.

Warm water ran down his magnificent chest, sluiced seductively over her breasts. He set up a rhythm that sent heat and need pouring through her, sank deliciously into her core.

When she pulled his head down for a deep, erotic kiss, a growl slipped from his throat. Tightening her legs around his waist, she took even more of him and realized he was fighting for control.

A surge of pure feminine power rose inside her. She was no longer victim, but victor, an equal partner in pleasure, as she had been from the first moment that she had been with Bran.

His pace increased as he drove into her, and the first ripples of climax struck, sweet and hot and delicious. A soft whimper escaped as her body clenched around him. Bran growled low in his throat and followed her to an earth-shattering release.

He tipped his forehead against hers and took several steadying breaths. Long seconds passed before he let go and she slid weakly down his body.

A last lingering kiss, and he stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around his waist. He pulled another towel off the rack and bundled her up in it.

“Even better than in my dreams,” he said with a grin, then took care of Copyright 2016 - 2024