Tyrant Twins - Isabella Starling Page 0,39

easier. Rachel loved me. But not Dad. Dad thought I was the bad apple. Dad thought if he beat me enough, he'd really make me right again. But you can't beat the darkness out of anyone. Especially not when they've already pledged their life to it.

I ate my roast dinner and smiled at the anecdotes and kept my fucking eyes off my stepsister. I'd have to bide my time. I'd have to be careful. But I was more determined than ever. June Wildfox would be my fucking property, and nobody—not even my father—could stop me from having her.



“Fuck, June!” I curse and run my hands through my hair. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

She’s confused, her naked body enticing me as she steps closer, hands exploring my body. I grab her by the wrists, turning to her with a snarl. She can't touch me, and I sure as fuck shouldn't be touching her. This is fucked up on a different level. We can't go through with it.

“What’s wrong?” she asks, pouting. “I… I thought maybe you would like it. That I saved myself for you.”

“Like it?” I ask her, gripping her shoulders, focusing my eyes on hers because otherwise, I don't fucking trust myself. “I want you, June. I want you so bad… Do you think you’ll stay with the same person who is your first fuck? Seriously, do you?”

I’m realizing now what she said could be true. She is twenty-one. She didn’t have a boyfriend when we were still a family. She could be a virgin. June flinches at my words, but I’m not about to stop. I need to convince her just how bad of an idea this is.

“You won’t stay with him, Junebug,” I tell her, softer this time. “You just won’t.”

She looks me dead in the eyes, her mouth pouting. “I do what I want,” she says sternly, and suddenly, her hands have found my jeans, pulling down the zipper. “Haven’t you figured that out yet, Kade? I always get what I want.”

Her voice is sweet as sugar as her hand pushes down my boxers and pulls out my hard cock. I groan and close my eyes as she gasps with surprise, barely able to circle her fingers around the thick head.

“Don’t, June,” I beg her because I don’t trust myself around her, not now, not ever. But she doesn’t listen. Instead, she kisses me roughly, her finger circling the tip of my cock while I fight all my inner demons. I try so hard to resist my fingernails dig into my palms, leaving painful, bloody crescent moons behind. But when her tongue meets mine, and her fingers grow wet with my pre-cum, I know I’ll lose this battle eventually.

“Fuck,” I moan, my hands shaking as I bury them in my hair, pleading with my eyes to make her stop. June doesn’t listen. She slides down until she’s on her knees, and she pulls my jeans and boxers down. My cock springs up to her mouth as though I’ve been waiting for her to lick it all my life. She’s taking her time, and it’s killing me, but if this is dying, I want her to do it every second of every day. She gently takes the base of my cock in one hand, her mouth slipping over the tip as I groan loudly.

Her tongue flicks against the tip, teasing me relentlessly. Just when I’m about to demand more, she leans closer to take me in her mouth so slowly it’s killing me. With each extra inch in her mouth, my resolve weakens. She chokes a little, and I whisper for her to stop, but she is even more determined. She keeps going, leaning forward until I’ve filled up every empty inch of her mouth.

“Fuck, Junebug,” I groan, and my hands find her head. I wrap them in her hair and push her forward as gently as I can when all I want is to come down her throat. But I force myself to be the nice guy. That's what she needs right now. She moans softly against me, and then she moves her tongue against the base of my cock up, up, up. I curse loudly and bite my bottom lip as she moves away, focusing on licking the wet tip of my cock.

“See?” she asks. "Getting what I want again..."

I look down, and I’m pretty sure that’s when I lose it. Seeing her on her knees, playing with her tits with one hand while she

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