Tyrant Twins - Isabella Starling Page 0,120

outside, the sun shining in my eyes blinds me. Blocking the light with my hands, I call for help as loud as I can, screaming my head off. But all that meets me is the crashing of waves on the beach and the solitary chirp of a bird nearby who looks at me curiously from a branch on a tree next to me.

I start running around aimlessly, my eyes looking for someone or something that could help me, but I come up empty every single time. There's no one here, the island deserted. I have no idea how Kade got here, but it is obvious he was alone. I remember the electricity going out then, realizing Parker had something to do with it. We're cut off from the mainland now, at least for another day until the yacht comes to pick Kade and me up.

But by then, we could both be dead.

Finally, I hear steps coming from behind me and I whip my head back in terror. A man is coming toward me, limping lightly as he runs. It's Parker or Kade, and it makes me feel sick that I can no longer discern the brothers. But the words he snarls at me make everything all too clear.

"You better run, little sis," he yells in my direction, getting closer with each step. "I won't go easy on you this time around. Last fucking chance. Run, little sis, fucking run!"

Realizing Parker is after me, I yelp softly and make a run for it, though I know it's a futile effort. I hear him panting behind me, and even farther behind, I can hear Kade’s voice calling my name desperately. I run. I run as fast as I can. The shrubbery cuts into my feet, the sharp rocks on the ground grinding into the soles of them. I run through thorns, leaves, and branches, each of them leaving a mark on my once so perfect skin.

I finally come to a clearing, and I suddenly realize I've been running uphill all this time. What a foolish, foolish girl I am. Because when I come to a stop at the end of the clearing, I realize it's not a clearing at all. It's a cliff, and I'm standing on the edge with Parker and Kade advancing on me as fast as they can manage. I can only hope the good twin will be the first one to reach me.

I turn around quickly, my eyes glued to the spot where the forest becomes sparse, knowing I'm a target exposed like this. Panting, suddenly both brothers appear in the clearing and look at me with dark intent. My heart beating like a hummingbird's wings, my eyes flutter from one strong man to another. They exchange glances, and for a second, I'm sure they'll jump at each other's throats, but instead, they both head straight for me. One of the men trips and falls, cursing loudly. The other advances toward me until he's only a few steps away. I look into his eyes, the question obvious in my gaze.

Will you save me or hurt me?

The evil snarl on his face immediately reveals the faster brother is Parker. I whimper in fear as he advances on me, grabbing me in his strong arms like a rag doll. Desperately, I call out for Kade, who finally gets to his feet and catches up to us.

"Not a step closer, brother," Parker snarls at him, clutching his hands around my throat. Kade stops dead in his tracks and emits a low growl as Parker and I face him, his twin pulling us both backward toward the edge of the precipice.

He finally raises his hands in the air, trying to placate. "Parker, there's nowhere to go anymore. Nowhere to hide," he tries to reason with his twin.

"You think you're going to win again?" Parker growls, the grip on my throat tightening. I'm so scared I might faint at any minute. "You're fucking done, Kade. She's all mine now. And if I can't have her, no one can." Terror sinks in as I realize what he's saying. He's willing to kill us both just so Kade can't get his hands on me.

"Don't, Parker," Kade growls. "Please. We can work it all out. It will be okay, just come over here. Bring Junebug here, dammit!"

It's the last command that makes Parker lose it. I know he could never stand taking directions, least of all from his brother. And throw my name in the game,

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