Tyrant Twins - Isabella Starling Page 0,108

my little friend, didn't you?"

I have no idea what he's talking about, but slowly, the memories start trickling in. The other day, seeing Kade with another woman, grabbing her ass. Only... it wasn't Kade. It was Parker all along. And this time, I couldn't tell them apart.

I whimper again, and he emits a low chuckle against my skin, sending goose bumps over my flesh. I'm more afraid than I've ever been in my entire life.

Kade was always the bad seed on the outside, rebellious and darkly brooding. Parker was my sweet stepbrother, my best friend... until he gave in to the darkness.

Kade loved me; Parker tortured me.

Kade took care of me; Parker only wanted to destroy me and be victorious over his brother. It's a game of brothers, and I've gotten caught up in the middle of it.

"So much to tell you, little sis," Parker whispers deliriously in my ear, and my eyes widen at what's about to happen. I'm slowly realizing I can't do anything about the predicament I'm in. He's got me, and this time, he won't let go. "Remember that little dinner we had? I tried so hard to act normal for you. I even saw your quack doctor a few times... All he wanted was to pill me up, June. I don't need meds. I need you."

I reach up and pull hard on his arm, for which I'm rewarded with a curse and a slap across my face. Parker finally turns me around to see him. When our eyes meet, his hand still clasped over my mouth, I'm left speechless. The resemblance is uncanny—he has the same haircut as Kade, the same face, and the same eyes. They're the same build, too. No one could tell them apart except for me. Because I know that dark glint in Parker's eyes all too well, and I know whatever awaits me won't be good.

"Time to play, little sis," he growls at me and drags me off as I kick and try to scream, but I'm no match for his sculpted body and strong, muscular arms. My eyes fall to my last hope, thankful Parker didn't notice it. When I tugged on his arm, I tugged on my pendant too, and it came off in my hand. I let it fall on the beach, the only trace left of my presence there. Now the only thing I can do is pray my husband finds me.

I'm dragged across the island, the shrubbery beneath my feet cutting into my skin and scraping my heels as I fight to regain control over my body. But it's no use—Parker's grip is tight and death-like on my arms, and I know this time he won't let go as easily as he did before. Finally, he has enough of my muffled screams, and he tears a piece off my nightgown, stuffing it in my mouth maliciously so I can't make a sound. Hot tears of humiliation flow down my cheeks as I realize how exposed I am now, and to the person I despise and fear most in the world, no less.

He drags me for a long time, and I struggle the whole way there. Finally, we arrive at a house that looks the same as Kade’s and mine but is supposedly the other one on the island. The house that looks welcoming and warm in the sunlight but is ominous in the darkness with only a few rays of moonlight illuminating it. A woman stands at the door, and as we come closer, my eyes widen. It's the woman from the beach whom I now realize I saw with Parker, not Kade—but something else about her is familiar.

"Move out of the fucking way, Marissa," Parker hisses as soon as we're close. The brunette quickly does what she is told, which makes me wonder why she is so fast to react. Guess she knows what happens when she doesn't obey, and it can't be good. Not when Parker's fully succumbed to his dark side.

I mumble into the fabric, and Parker drags me inside the house, letting me drop to the floor like a rag doll. I look up at him with pleading eyes as he stands over me, asserting his dominance. The woman, Marissa, comes up behind him like a lost puppy, and she looks at him with such insane adoration it sends chills down my spine. I have no idea what I've stumbled upon here, but these two both seem completely, utterly insane. My

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