The Tycoon's Tender Triumph Page 0,32


The afternoon was getting late when she finally returned. She was cleaning out their stalls that evening, talking to them as they nuzzled her neck or nudged her gently. All of them were very playful and she laughed as she sprinkled fresh hay around them for the evening.

She struggled to fall asleep that night, eager to put the whole day behind her but her mind was working overtime, going through the day and her business plan, problems with her dad and with Sam. She prayed that she was too tired to dream.

But as she drifted off, her last thought was about how she wished she were curled up with Sam beside her, keeping her warm.

Morning was early the next day, Chloe having woken up with the sheets and blanket all tangled around her because of the dream where she was making hot, passionate love to Sam and he was making her scream. She wasn’t sure, but she suspected that she’d actually woken herself up with her cries.

The house was warmer than what she was used to since she’d hadn’t turned the thermostat back down completely from the previous day when Sam was here. Since it was so cozy and warm, and it felt so deliciously decadent, she didn’t immediately turn it back down. Instead, she enjoyed a leisurely morning, sipping her coffee and nibbling at a piece of toast, the only thing she knew how to cook without burning. She topped off her meal with an apple, then stuffed several into her coat pocket to take to her beauties.

She stopped by her own stable, still thinking it wasn’t such a bad idea to get this place up and running. It was only a fifteen minute drive to Sam’s house, but that was because she had to go the road way. She could actually see his house from her dad’s back yard and it would be shorter if she could just drive as the crow flies. Unfortunately, there were pastured in between their houses and lots of fencing. She smiled as she thought about the expression on Sam’s face if she were to drive straight through his fences to get to her wonderful horses. He’d probably be apoplectic. It would really be nice to see Sam out of control instead of her, for once.

She went through her chores for the day, worked on the stable a bit more but at a much slower pace than she had previously. Someone had delivered an air gun with instructions and cautions on how to use it and Chloe was thrilled with how easy it was to get the roof finished with the new tool. She was careful though, not wanting to nail herself or any of her own body parts as she tried to nail down the roof pieces. Sam had sent over some helpers and she could see their work on the inside of the stable and she was extremely grateful for the boards that had been replaced, new locks on the doors installed and various other things she hadn’t even realized were broken.

After several hours of working and tinkering, she felt as if she’d made a great deal of progress.

Looking at her watch though, she noticed that she had to hurry if she was going to be ready for the evening. She had to not only get her dress on and do something with her hair, but she also had to mentally brace herself for an evening with Sam. She knew he was going to ask her questions and she wasn’t prepared to answer them.

She showered and pulled on a cotton robe with little roses on the collar, feeling silly and young. As she applied her makeup, she used a heavier hand than normal. With curlers in her freshly blow dried hair and an eye brow curler, she wondered what Sam would think of her in this getup. He would probably cringe and walk away, she thought with a smile.

Blue eye liner, black mascara, soft, blue eye shadow, pink lipstick, concealer to hide the dark circles under her eyes and powder. At least her face was ready. Pulling the curlers out of her hair, she managed to twist the silky strands up into a high crown on her head, looking at a picture of a magazine. In the end, she thought she looked rather nice. She might not be able to cook, but she was pretty darn good at styling her own hair.

Pulling on the bright blue cocktail dress she’d never worn Copyright 2016 - 2024