The Tycoon's Tender Triumph Page 0,19

seemed like moments later, she felt herself lifted down from the saddle and carried into a warm house. Opening her eyes, she looked up, blinking at the comforting glow coming from Jessy’s kitchen and the delicious smells of something cooking. Something warm and unburned, she thought, her mouth instantly watering.

“Good Lord, child! You’ve lost a good ten pounds in the last week. What have you done to yourself?” Jessy said as soon as Sam carried her in, slamming the heavy wooden door behind him.

Chloe wiggled so her legs could drop to the floor and she pushed her hair back. “Oh, it isn’t that bad,” she said but her cheeks were too cold to smile and talking actually hurt now.

Jessy obviously didn’t believe her and hustled Chloe out of the enormous leather coat, then shooing her over towards a high chair set up on the island in the middle of the kitchen. A moment later, a warm cup of beef stew was placed in front of her on the black granite counter, Jessy set a large spoon in Chloe’s hand with the order, “Eat!”. A plate of biscuits came next along with a cup of steaming coffee. Jessy continued to move about the gorgeous kitchen, opening maple cabinets and pulling out ingredients, chatting the whole time as she worked at making some sort of dough on the counter in front of the breakfast bar where Chloe sat.

Chloe didn’t argue this time. She was too hungry. But as soon as the food started to warm her fatigued body, she could feel the exhaustion start to come on. Before she could fall asleep at the counter, she stood up, her fingers still wrapped around the warm cup of coffee. “I really appreciate the wonderful meal, but I need to get back to work.” Thankfully, Sam had retreated from the room so it was only Jessy to argue with and Chloe was fairly certain the tiny woman wouldn’t be much of an impediment to getting out of the house and away from Sam’s charismatic turf.

“Don’t you dare,” Jessy called out, not even looking at Chloe as she pulled a monstrous sized bag of sugar out of a cabinet by the stove. “You’re supposed to stay here and talk to that big oaf who doesn’t know what’s up or how to do what’s right.”

Chloe was fairly certain Jessy was referring to Sam, but since she’d never heard him referred to in that manner before, she wasn’t one hundred percent positive. “I have a lot of work to do that can’t wait. I’ll just stop by my dad’s room and say hello.”

Jessy hefted the bag in her spindly arms, carrying it like it weighed nothing when it looked as if it were probably a twenty pound bag. “I wouldn’t if I were you. Just set yourself right back down and wait while I get Sam back here. His orders were that you were to eat, then talk, and in that order.”

Chloe really didn’t like the sound of that. “I don’t report to Sam, no matter what he thinks, Jessy.”

Jessy smiled and shook her head. “Ah, so that’s the way you’re working this, huh?” She chuckled slightly. “Now I understand a bit more. You’re not one of those women, thank goodness. And maybe that explains a lot. I think there’s a whole lot more but it’s really none of my business.” She thunked the bag of sugar down onto the granite countertop and looked directly at Chloe. “I’m getting the impression that there’s a whole lot more going on here than what I can see with these old eyes, but never mind that. My business is following the boss’s orders. And right now, he wants to talk to you. So just set right back down.”

She picked up the phone and pressed a button, while Chloe shook her head. The only thing she “set” down was her coffee cup with her protesting fingers. “I really need to go.” Without another word, she picked up the coat that had been hung on the bar stool next to her, swinging her arms into it as quickly as she could. Jessy was already off the phone, having muttered something into the receiver and clicked off in only a matter of seconds. Which meant that Sam was nearer than she’d thought and she needed to move faster. “Tell Sam that I appreciate the help, but I can handle….”

“You can stop right there,” his deep voice said from behind Chloe. Too close, she Copyright 2016 - 2024