The Tycoon's Tender Triumph Page 0,15

chest touch hers, “if you’d really been interested in him as a man, you wouldn’t have been wearing the white cotton underwear, now would you?” he asked, a wicked gleam entering his eyes.

When the meaning of his words hit her, that he’d been the one to undress her and, therefore he knew what color underwear she’d been wearing, her face turned beet red with humiliation. “Ah!” she growled, pushing with all of her might against his massive chest. He let her go, but only because he was laughing so hard at her expression. The male laughter followed her out of the house as she stomped through the side door, slamming it behind her in an effort to get away from the obnoxious man.

She couldn’t believe she was stuck in this horrible place. Her date had been interrupted, - and she wasn’t going to admit now that she had been relieved by the ringing of the doorbell at the time - her home invaded, her clothes invaded – especially her underwear, then she’d been kidnapped and her clothes taken off. All at the hands of that irritating, disgusting, okay well, she couldn’t really call him disgusting since he was a truly attractive man, but odious, obnoxious, irritating, obstinate, ungentlemanly and all those other awful adjectives – could definitely be applied to Sam Marchant. And she wanted to kick him, beat him up and tie him to some fence pole where no one would see him but the cows.

Maybe, if she were lucky, he might even get gored by a bull or something icky like that, she thought with relish as she followed the path down to the stable. At least she suspected it was a stable. There were about five, large buildings that looked like they might hold horses or some sort of cattle but they didn’t look like the traditional stable-like edifice. They were too new, in the first place. She’d always thought of stables as red, with white trim that criss-crossed over the doors.

These buildings were tan and new and looked much sturdier than any stable she’d ever seen but she could see fencing around them so she drew the conclusion that the fences were used to keep cattle close by, ergo, the buildings were most likely stables.

She was pretty proud of her deductions but when she was about fifty feet from the house, the man she wasn’t speaking to, wasn’t even looking at for the rest of her life if she could manage it, strode up to her, easily keeping pace with her shorter stride. He still chuckled occasionally which meant that her mind frantically worked on other scenarios that caused him bodily damage or crushing humiliation. Both if she could come up with a good idea but so far her mind could only think of tripping him or stomping on his foot, both of which would probably endanger her more than him so her plans were inadequate.

When she kept walking in the direction of the smallest of the buildings, he eventually steered her towards the middle building. She wished she could pull her arm away from him, but as they neared the fenced area, the path became more narrow. Which meant that pulling her arm free would mean she’d probably smack it into the metal fence. She wasn’t into hurting herself, so she simply gritted her teeth and endured his touch.

Well, endure isn’t quite the appropriate word, she thought to herself. His touch wasn’t horrible, which was the main problem. She liked it. Too much. His large hands, even through the thick leather coat, made her tremble with excitement.

A moment later, she wished she could control her mind more effectively. Instead of thinking of horrible, blood-letting or bruising punishments for her humiliation at his hands, she was wondering what it would be like to feel his hand against her skin, without the leather or sweater hindering his touch. She wanted to know what it would feel like if he kissed her, on the neck or on her shoulder.

The path opened up slightly as they neared the out buildings so he didn’t need to hold her arm any longer. She was relieved that even that slight touch would be gone. She almost screamed out loud when his hand moved from her arm to the small of her back and she tried to walk a little faster, desperate to put some space between them, but he only picked up his pace and kept his hand where it was.

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