The Two Week Stand - Samantha Towle Page 0,9

a lungful of her.

“You’re really tall,” she says quietly, still staring up at me.

“I’m normal-sized. You’re just tiny.”

Her brow furrows. She looks fucking adorable. Like a kitten trying to be a tiger. “I’m normal-sized, thank you very much.”

“I’m a whole person taller than you.”

“You’re just freakily big.”

I laugh. “I’m six foot three. Ergo normal.”

“Maybe for a guy. Woman here, if you haven’t noticed.”

“Oh, I’ve noticed.” Shit, my voice has gone husky, and she’s still staring up at me with those big blue eyes.

I really wish she weren’t drunk right now. If she were sober, I’d be kissing the shit out of her and carrying her back to my villa, where I would spend the rest of the night fucking her.

But sadly, the only fucking my dick is doing tonight is in my hand.

“Come on—”

“Ooh, look at that!” Before I have time to blink, she’s walking away from me and weaving across the sand toward the water’s edge, where a crab is standing. “It’s a crab. Fuck me, that’s a big crab!” She laughs, stumbling a bit.

“It’ll bite your foot off,” I tease.

She stops and looks back at me. “Really?”

“No.” I chuckle. “But it’ll probably try to nip you with its pincers if you get too close.”

And she is pretty close now that I’m looking.

She takes a measured step back, and out of nowhere, the crab runs at her.

She screams and runs straight for me. The next thing I know, I’ve got a drunk Dillon plastered to my body.

“Help me!” she wails. “I don’t want to get bitten by that crab!”

I start laughing. I can’t help it.

The crab stopped the minute she bolted for me. And for a drunk chick, she sure could move, and she jumped on me like a fucking Olympic hurdler.

“It wouldn’t bite you.” I laugh. “Only nip.”

But its pincers are big as fuck, so it would definitely hurt.

“I don’t want to get nipped!” she wails. “Why aren’t you getting us out of here?! It’ll get you now!”

“It’s still over there.” I point to where it is, watching us. “It stopped the second you screamed. I think you scared the shit out of it.”

“I scared it?! Fucking thing ran at me!”

Then, I become very aware of the fact that she’s wrapped around me. Her legs hooked around my waist. Arms around my neck. Her face pressed to my chest.

I can feel the heat of her through my clothes. I can smell her.

I know I wanted her legs around my waist, but I was thinking when she was sober and we were both naked and in my villa. And there wasn’t an ugly-ass crab staring at us.

I can feel my dick starting to sit up and pay attention, and I need her off me before he salutes her in the ass.


“I think you’re safe to get down now.”

“No fucking way! I’m not getting down there.”

“You’re fine. It won’t bother you.”

“Ha! Yeah, right. I bet you the second I put a foot down there, that bastard will come for me. I’ll stay up here, where it’s safe, thanks.”

Fucking hell.

I can’t exactly force her to get down, and I can feel my dick getting harder by the second. I’m gonna have to carry her back to the villa—quickly—and think of anything but sex the whole time.

I set off swiftly, and she makes a noise of surprise and holds on to me tighter.

I should secure her, so she doesn’t fall off. Hold her or something, but if I put my hands on her … it’s game over. She’ll know exactly how much my dick likes her up here on my body.

Fuck’s sake.

I get us back to the villas in record time. I practically sprinted here. She’s lucky I’m an athlete; actually, it’s me who’s lucky because I don’t know how much of carrying her I could have endured without doing something stupid.

She’s got her head lying on my shoulder now. I hope she hasn’t fallen asleep.

“We’re here,” I tell her.

“Uh, wha …” She sounds sleepy.

“We’re at your villa.” I walk up the steps to her villa—well, I’m hoping it’s hers. “Number seventy-eight. That’s you, right?”


She makes no move to get down.

“You got your key?”

“My key?”

“Yeah, you know, the thing that unlocks the door.”

“Oh, yeah, it’ll be in my pocket.” She loosens her hold on me and slides down my body.

I’m a strong man. But fucking hell, that was torture.

She lands on her feet and starts patting at her legs. “Oh.” She laughs. “I haven’t got any pockets.”

“So, where’s your key then?”

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