The Two Week Stand - Samantha Towle Page 0,68

a point. I could write a book while I’m there. I’d have all the time to write. And going there wouldn’t be a waste of money; it’d be like an investment in my career.

And then there’s him. I’d get more time with him.

Yes, I have feelings for him. A crush. And going with him would just prolong things. Meaning it would hurt more when I eventually left.

But either way, it’s going to hurt when I part from him.

So, why not go to America with him, enjoy myself, and then deal with the aftermath later?

Oh my God. Am I really going to do this?

I think I am.

“So, you’re suggesting I go with you to Baltimore, stay at your place, and we keep …” I point my finger between us.



“Yes, Double D. We’d keep fucking. Nothing would change, except our location. Which would happen to be my apartment. I’d go to training during the day. You could write. I’d come home, and we’d fuck.”

Well … hells bells. I didn’t want to go home, but I sure as heck wasn’t expecting this. For him to say this.

Maybe he likes me. I mean, I know he likes me. But maybe he likes me, likes me.


And there I am, getting carried away with myself. See, this is why it wouldn’t be a good idea.

“So, hypothetically, if I did come to Baltimore and I stayed with you, then I’d expect to pay my way. Like rent or something.”

“Hypothetically, that would be a no.”

“Then, I won’t go.” I’m an independent woman who pays her way in life.

“So, you’re considering it?” He rests his chin on his shoulder, and his eyes are dancing.

I bite my lip and shrug. “Maybe.”

“Okay, what if I changed the hypothetical no to a yes? Would your maybe change to a yes?”

Would it?

Am I really, seriously considering this?

Holy shit, I really am. I’m gonna say yes.

Just like I did the night he put the first offer to me. I tell myself I’m gonna say no, but it’s always a yes when it comes down to it.

“I don’t know. Change it and find out.”

A smile tugs at his lips. “It’s done. I accept your terms to paying rent or whatever. So, will you come?”

I feel a flutter of happiness float through my chest. That can only be a good thing. Right?

“Yes.” I smile. “I’ll come.”

His smile widens. “Good.” Then, his smile disappears, and his eyes turn a little serious. “Now, there’s something I need to tell you.”

That flutter of happiness I was feeling? Yeah, it’s dropped into the pit of my stomach.


“Well, it’s just that …”

“Oh my God! You’re married, aren’t you?”

I knew he was too good to be true. Hot guys like him do not fall into my lap that easily.

“I’ve already told you that I’m not married. And really, if I were, would I have asked you to come stay at my place?”

“You might be one of those Pygmies!”

“Not sure what a short African tribesperson has to do with this, but no.”

“Not Pygmy! I meant, polygamist! You’ve got a bunch of wives back home, haven’t you?”

He coughs out a laugh. “No, definitely not. I couldn’t handle one fucking wife, let alone two.”

“So, what is it?”

“Well, if you’d let me tell—”

“Are you in a cult? I saw this documentary about this actress who was a part of this cult! I think she’s in jail now though. But is that it? Are you in a cult?”



“I’m not in a cult or a Pygmy, and I haven’t married multiple times.”

“Then, what is it?” My heart is almost beating out of my chest. I’m so nervous about what he’s about to tell me. I can’t take any more disappointment in my life.

He glances away from me, out over the water. “Well, it’s not about me as such. It’s more about my dad. Who he is.” He takes a breath and looks back at me. “My dad is the president.”



“Dillon, are you okay?”

She hasn’t said anything since I told her about my dad. That was a good minute ago, and a minute is a long time to have someone staring at you. Without blinking. She’s starting to look a little scary. I know she’s freaking out because she thinks it’s a big deal. But it’s really not. Not to me anyway. And it’s not like she’s even from the States, so really, it shouldn’t freak her out this much.


Her big blue eyes blink at me. “I’m sorry, what? For a moment there, I thought you said your dad Copyright 2016 - 2024