The Two Week Stand - Samantha Towle Page 0,48

“It’s your turn.”

I’ve just got to get through this round and catch him on my next turn, and I’ll win. And I love to win.

I’m a little competitive, if you haven’t guessed.

West stares at me and says, “Never have I ever watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”

I smile winningly. “Never watched it.”

He frowns. “I thought every woman on the planet had watched at least one episode of that crap.”

“Not this girl.” I grin.

He totally thought he was gonna win with that basic one. That’s what he gets for underestimating me.

“Oh no. You lost that turn, and now, it’s my turn to ask a question. What could I ask? Hmm … let me just think.” I tap my finger on my chin.

West stares back at me, amused. “Don’t drag it out, Double D.”

I’m not even gonna bite at the nickname because I’m too busy trying to think of a good one to get those shorts off of him and crown me the winner.

Think, Dillon. Go for something to do with sex because I can’t imagine there isn’t anything he hasn’t done or tried, whereas I’ve experienced only the basics.

“Oh, I’ve got one. Never have I ever eaten food off someone’s naked body.”

He frowns, nostrils flaring, and I know I’ve won.

I have to stop myself from jumping up and doing the Carlton dance.

West throws back the shot, dropping the empty glass on the lounger. Then, he stands and drops his shorts.

Oh, hello there, lover.

His dick is fully hard. My mouth waters at the sight.

But still, I won, and I have to gloat a little.

Okay. A lot.

“Oh dear. You’re naked. Guessing that means I won.”

West sits back down, and I’m having a hard time not staring at his cock, which is currently kissing those abs of his that I like so much.

“Nope. You have to be naked too.”

I lift a questioning brow. “Now, that just sounds like you’re making the rules as you go.”

He gives me a look of innocence. “As if I would.”

“Fine. You take your turn. I’m happy to get naked now that I’ve officially won. Not that I think you’ll get me on this round.”

West looks at me and says, “Never have I ever slept with a coworker.”

Fuck. Fuckity fuck.

Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have been so confident. But he does know that the prick was my coworker and technically my boss.

“Hey! That’s not fair,” I grumble. “You already knew that I had.”

“Did I?” He feigns innocence. “Can’t say that I recall knowing that.”

“Yeah, right. You remember everything else I told you, except for that.”

He lifts those broad shoulders. “Weird, right?”

Fighting a smile, I decide to do this a little differently, inspired by my winning question. Putting my shot down, I stand up and hook my fingers into the waistband of my panties, and very slowly, I drag them down my legs, bending at the waist, until they reach my ankles.

West watches the show with laser focus.

I step out of my panties and then sit back down, closer to him this time. I pick up the shot glass, but before drinking it, I lean in and press my lips to his, giving him a swift, hard kiss.

Then, I put my lips to his ear and whisper, “Never have I ever sucked gin off a cock.”

Then, I pour the gin over his dick and quickly dip my head. I take him in my mouth and start to suck the liquor off his cock.

“Fuck,” he groans, his strong fingers threading into my hair, gripping the strands tight.

I like the feel of him pulling my hair. It’s turning me on. I can feel myself getting slicker between my thighs.

It’s true. I’ve never sucked any liquid of any variety off a cock before. But this seemed like a good idea. And he seems to like it. And the gin actually tastes better, coming off him.

I’m surprised by how confident and daring I am with him. I don’t know where it’s coming from. Actually, I do. It’s because his confidence is infectious. He makes me feel like I can say or do anything, and he won’t judge me. He might tease me a little. But he wouldn’t think any less of me. That I’m sure of.

I can be more myself around him than I’ve ever been around anyone my whole life. Maybe it’s because I know this thing with him is only temporary. But whatever it is, I like it.

For the first time in my life, I actually like the person I am right now. The Copyright 2016 - 2024