Two Lady Scoundrels and a Duke - Tessa Candle Page 0,36

common with his wife, Lydia. Rumour has it she cannot resist the allure of a climbable tree, either. Though I doubt she looks as good in one as you do.” He sighed and stared heavenward, as though in deep contemplation of the memory.

“You are a very bad man!” He always did know how to make her laugh. She was so lucky to have found him again.

They stepped into the grand room, and the smell of baked things, roasted meats and poultry, buttery sauces and spiced puddings greeted her nose. As the many smiling faces turned to welcome her, her nervous shivers calmed and she was filled with a feeling of wellbeing. She had come from struggling through life almost alone in the world to a whole manor house full of new friends. A wet nose brushed her hand, and she smiled down at Dog, now known as Mack. Her old friend was still here too, even if he had a new name.

“So,” she murmured to Foxleigh from the side of her mouth, “if I am a good lady scoundrel and play sweetly with all of your friends without picking a single pocket, will you help me steal my dog back?”

He took two champagne glasses from a servant and handed her one. “Well, he is a member the Foxleigh family. Only you are not allowed to shoot anyone. Now come and meet all your new friends.”

If you want to know how Mack/Dog ended up at Katherine’s house in the first place, you should read Parvenues & Paramours Book 4, Two Brides and a Duke. Keep reading to find a sample after the “Letter to the Reader” in this book!

A Letter to the Reader

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And then turn the page and read a little sample from the previous Parvenues & Paramours book, Two Brides and a Duke (Book 4), which (in case you have not yet done so) you should read, if you want to know how Dog ended up with Katherine…

Sample Chapter 1

Frost nipped Eleanor's skin as she wandered about the paths of the Fenimore estate in the first light of the morning. A solitary ramble was just what she needed, and the sound of frozen earth crunching beneath her feet evoked an illusion of strolling over a field of fairy diamonds.

As charming as it all was, she hoped the walk in the brisk air would not enliven her complexion too much. She had taken a deal of trouble to powder it to a dull, lack-lustre pallor, in case she ran into Lord Auchdun. The tedious suitor had followed her out to the countryside, and was prowling about Fenimore trying to call on her, again. Luckily she had spied the approach of his carriage this morning and sneaked out the back way to evade him.

Frobisher, Marquess Fenimore was not acquainted with Auchdun, so Eleanor had sought refuge in a visit to him and his wife, Rosamond, even though she knew them only a little. She had thought it would be safe, for no civilized person would intrude where he had no acquaintance. It was ludicrous enough that Auchdun had called at Blackwood Manor, the neighbouring residence where she had been staying with her friends, Tilly and Rutherford, to whom Auchdun had the briefest of introductions years ago.

But none of that mattered to him. Auchdun was completely relentless in the pursuit of his beloved, as he insisted on calling Eleanor. It was embarrassing that Eleanor should be the cause of such an unwanted intrusion upon Frobisher and Rosamond’s home. She wished the man would just clear off.

The trail forked and Eleanor took the branch leading past a thick grove that would completely hide her from the view of the path behind her, just in case. She shivered and pulled her Copyright 2016 - 2024