Two Lady Scoundrels and a Duke - Tessa Candle Page 0,29

than the guileless prettiness of the ingénue. And the long gloves hid all the evidence of hard work. She chuckled and her reflection laughed with her. Seeing herself now, like this, she could almost be thankful for the detour her life had taken. Almost.

However, the past was the past. She did not deserve this happiness, but she was certainly going to seize it with both hands, like the lady-robber that she was.

She blushed at the memory. Now would be a good time to clear her conscience. She was not much of a church-going woman, but she was feeling guilty about her intention to become a highwaywoman, even if she had never succeeded at it. There was time before the ceremony. She should go early to the church and pray beforehand.

“Thank you, ladies. You are true artists. Can you tell the man to have the carriage brought round? I wish to go to the church now.”

They curtseyed and departed. It had been such a long time since she had assistance from anyone, let alone a servant. And now she was to be a duchess! She shook her head. How would she ever get used to it?

As she arrived at the church with the yawning Mrs. Broden, she could see that the servants were already there, decorating an arched trellis with ivy and lace for the bride and groom to walk under. It was a nice touch. Katherine pulled her fur cape around her as she ascended the step to the church door. Inside the air was cool, but it felt warm on Katherine’s frost nipped face. More servants were lighting candles and putting bunches of holly leaves and berries along the aisle. Mrs. Broden seemed to sense the bride wanted solitude and hung back a few pews, as Katherine seated herself near the front.

She hoped God would forgive her for not kneeling, but she did not wish to crush her lovely dress. An ominous feeling gripped her, and her stomach was gnawed by the conviction that, were she not absolved of her intention to steal, she could not happily marry the man she loved. She pressed her hands together in silent prayer.

It got boring after a few minutes. How long did one have to pray before being properly forgiven? But this was not an ordinary case and required extra precautions. She chastised herself for being a lazy penitent and forced herself to continue.

“Well. I am glad I found you here, and before the ceremony, too. Such luck. Perhaps I can talk some sense into you.” The voice was cold and aristocratic. Katherine opened her eyes to behold a stranger, expensively dressed but in such an eye-stabbingly violent array of colours that Katherine blinked twice, seeing if the tall apparition would disappear. But the man remained.

“Why do you keep blinking at me so?” He was disdainful. “Do not think your guiles will work on me.”

Katherine stood, wondering if the man was quite sane. “Do I know you, sir?”

“You certainly do not, nor do I desire an introduction. It is enough to know that I know you. I am well acquainted with your unsavoury past and your scheme to ensnare my friend Foxleigh.”

“You know Foxleigh?” Katherine was puzzled. If this man had been invited to the wedding, why had Foxleigh not introduced her to him? And why was he speaking to her in this insulting way? “Then you are aware that I am his betrothed. I do not know under what misinformation you feel authorized to speak to me in this manner, but I must ask you to leave me to my meditations and importune me no further.”

“Your meditations.” The long sarcastic drawl ended in a huff of disgust. “It never ceases to amaze me how the worst specimens of humanity will always try to clothe themselves in ill-fitting piety. But I will not be dismissed. I am here to stop this wedding from taking place, and if you have any sense, you will grasp onto this five hundred pounds and run for your life.” He extended a single bank note. “I will not let you make yourself a duchess by exploiting my friend’s befuddled state. And make no mistake, I can prevent this match from happening. You had best cut your losses and take this payment. It is the only advantage that is now to be realized from all your connivances.”

“You offer insults to me and Foxleigh both. If you believe my heart can be purchased, you are very mistaken. I am Copyright 2016 - 2024