Two Lady Scoundrels and a Duke - Tessa Candle Page 0,24

around and let the firelight ignite it into glimmering fairy sparks. It dazzled her, transported her to a time when she went from happiness to happiness, never wanting for anything. Then she closed her eyes and buried her nose in the goblet. It was magnificent. Her single, reserved sip turned into a long guzzling drink. She smiled blissfully and opened her eyes to behold Foxleigh, watching her with an intense and glistening stare.

“Are you… crying?”

“Not at all.” He cleared his throat. “I was waiting for you to smack your lips and wipe your mouth on your sleeve.”

She cocked a brow. “I had no idea my manners were so unsightly as to make a grown man weep. I suppose starvation will do that to you.”

“I was not weeping.”


“Look, if you must know, I have been beside myself with worry that you would expire from hunger while I was detained in the village. It broke my heart to see you in such a state. So yes, I am moved to see you enjoying the simple pleasure of a glass of wine.” He turned away and gestured at the servants who rushed to bring her a plate piled high with roast beef and pork tart and a thick, butter drenched slice of bread.

Her mouth watered and she knew she was staring at her meal like a wild beast. She willed herself to look at him and not the plate.

He grinned at her and her heart flopped. “Now I hope you will enjoy this simple repast with as much savagery as you wish.”

“Wait, though. I will not eat until Dog has been given his portion.”

Foxleigh laughed and gave the servants a meaningful look. “Cut it up in small pieces so he does not swallow it whole.”

When Dog stood beside her on the floor, gobbling down his roast, Katherine permitted herself to cut into her beef. It was as rare as she could have liked and she swirled it into the peppery gravy, mingling the juices with the cream and mushrooms, only permitting herself to take a small bite. It was heavenly—juicy, succulent and smoky, with the perfect amount of crisp fat at the edge. She could devour it all at once, but she forced herself to take another tiny morsel, gradually submitting to the spell of the warm fire, good wine and wonderful, glorious food.

She paused to take another sip from the glass that had mysteriously been refilled, staring over the rim at the smoldering gaze of Foxleigh. Then made herself wait a full minute before she began eating again. She did not wish to make a spectacle of herself. Besides, if she ate with abandon, it would all come back up again. That was not a memory of her that she wished Foxleigh to ever have. To distract herself from hunger she asked, “Are you enjoying my display of barbarism?”

His eyes twinkled. “It is good to see you still know how to use a knife and fork.”

She took an especially large bite of warm buttery bread and chewed it defiantly. “I still owe you a knock on the head, you know.”

“I thought you might like to see all the surprises I have in store for you before you incapacitate me.” His smile was dazzling.

Her heart beat faster, and only the irresistible allure of another forkful of food drew her gaze away from him.

When she had eaten as much as she dared and finished another glass of wine, a pleasant torpor washed over her, but the way that Foxleigh was looking at her made her feel downright drunk. His eyes blazed with pure lust. She felt giddy with possibilities.

The servants had withdrawn—to where she had no idea—and her reputation was as good as ruined anyway, for Marie would certainly see to that. Why should she not enjoy the crime for which she was to have the punishment? And anyway, she was a poor woman with no prospects at all, so it really did not matter if she spent the night with a beautiful man. Well, no prospects except for entrapping Foxleigh by exploiting his sense of honour. That she would never do, no matter how her heart longed to have him for her own and for always. But why could she not have him for one night?

“Your eyes are even more full of mischief than usual. I wonder what you could be thinking.”

Katherine laughed nervously. She could feel the colour rising to her cheeks. “You would have to pay me much more than a Copyright 2016 - 2024