Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,96

house. Amber and Logan were sitting in the living room watching some stupid reality television show. Amber was addicted to reality television and I couldn’t help but laugh at the expression on Logan’s face as he watched it with her. His eyes found mine as soon as I entered the room.

“Thank God, a reasonable person. Can you convince her to change the channel to something worth watching; at this point I’d take the cooking channel over this shit.”

I laughed as Amber stuck out her tongue at him. “And miss all the miserable faces you’re making? Not a chance.”

I sat down next to Amber and pretended to have my eyes glued to the television. I hated reality shows as much as Logan, but it made them worth the trouble just to watch him squirm.

“This is what I get for living with two women!” He groaned as he stood and walked out of the room.

I turned to Amber and grinned. “I hate this shit too.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I don’t like this one either, but it seemed to annoy him the most.”

“We’re horrible.” I said as we collapsed against the back of the couch in a fit of giggles.

“I know, but it’s so worth it to annoy him.” Amber gasped out.

I loved living with Amber and Logan, and not just for the good parking and actual bathroom. Coming home to both of them was the favorite part of my day, and it had helped me through dealing with the loss of Drake.

I had been nervous about living with Logan considering our past, but we had sat down and talked about everything a couple of nights after we moved in. He had sensed my uneasiness and wanted to put me at ease. While he admitted he still cared about me, after everything that had happened between us, he never wanted to go down that path again. To say I was relieved at his confession would be an understatement.

One of my fears after Drake and I split up was that Jordan or Logan would try to start a relationship with me, but I should have known better. Jordan had taken care of me after I arrived back at Danny’s. I had been a blubbering mess, but he didn’t seem to mind as he held me close and let me cry into his shirt on more than one occasion.

Amber, Logan, and I had spent a couple of days at Danny’s before leaving for West Virginia and never once had Jordan pushed the issue with me. He knew that I wasn’t looking for that type of relationship and had respected me enough to understand. Even now, we never spoke about his feelings toward me, but I think he finally accepted that we would never be more than just friends.

I still spoke with both him and Danny several times a week and had spent most of my Christmas Break at the mansion with the two of them. Amber, Logan, and I had even made the long drive out to their school during football season to watch Jordan play.

I knew next to nothing about football, but I was smart enough to know that he was good, really good. Even though he was only a sophomore in college, he had already been contacted by a couple NFL scouts about possibly joining their ranks after he graduated. I was so proud of him when he told me and I could tell just how excited he was about the whole thing.

Since my aunt left me more than enough money to cover my basic living expenses, I decided not to go back to my old job. I used the extra free time to study for my classes and I had managed to pass every single class last semester with A’s and B’s. I had made school my number one priority and threw myself into my work to distract myself. It worked most of the time, but not a day went by that I didn’t think of Drake.

The fact that he hadn’t called even once was what hurt the most. It was like I had meant nothing to him, and it made me question every aspect of the relationship we had shared. They say time heals all wounds and I guess that’s true. The first couple of months after our split, I had been depressed to say the least. Amber and Logan had stayed by my side though, and with their help I had slowly started to become the old Chloe. I hadn’t made Copyright 2016 - 2024