Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,88

added, giving him a pointed look.

He glanced down at the carpet as he ran his hands through his hair. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s alright. I’m not mad, I was just worried.”

“Do you have feelings for him?” He blurted out.

“For Jordan? Of course I don’t! Did you just miss the entire conversation five minutes ago? Why would you even ask me that?”

“Because I know you well enough to know when something’s bothering you. I watched your face while he walked away from you; it killed you to send him away. If you want him, don’t let me stand in the way.”

“I can’t even believe we’re having this conversation right now! I do not want Jordan! I only want you!”

“Are you sure? Because I’m not going to be a blind idiot like Logan was; living in my own blissful existence while you’re off screwing around behind my back.”

I saw red. Not only was he implying that I would stay with him while cheating with Jordan, but he was also calling Logan an idiot.

“Fuck off Drake. You cannot talk to me like that and Logan doesn’t deserve to be portrayed that way! He trusted me, that doesn’t make him an idiot!”

“Sorry, I’m just pissed off ok? I love you and I don’t want to lose you. I suck at this shit.”

“Yeah you do.” I grumbled.

He shot me a look and I rolled my eyes. “I love you too. What I did to Logan was wrong and I don’t ever intend to do that to anyone else, especially you.”

“I just don’t want to hold you back.”

“You’re not. Like I said, I love you and I would never do anything to screw that up.”

He crossed the room and climbed onto the bed, hovering above me. “I don’t want to screw this up either. I know I’ll do stupid shit to piss you off from time to time, but promise me you won’t leave me because of it.”

His mouth hovered just above mine and I watched his lips move as he spoke. “Promise me baby.”

“I won’t. Nothing could tear us apart.”

“I’m holding you to that.” He grinned as he lowered his mouth to mine.

The next few days passed in a blur of both laughter and tears. Things were still tense between Jordan and I, but with the band around I found myself laughing a lot more, especially when Adam opened his mouth. The tears usually came when I was alone in bed with Drake late at night. He would hold me until my tears dried and more often than not, I fell asleep cradled against his chest.

Danny kept his word and handled every detail regarding my mother’s arrangements. He even pulled a few strings to speed up the process a bit. Less than a week after her death, Danny had picked up her ashes and a small service was held in her honor. I knew none of her friends, not that I would have invited them anyway, so the service was small with only my small group of friends in attendance.

I had never been particularly religious, but Danny had requested a preacher perform her services and I had agreed to please him. Danny had a temporary tent placed in the field behind the mansion, and as I sat in the front row next to Drake, listening to the preacher talk about eternal life, forgiveness, sacrifice, and redemption, I prayed for the first time in my life.

I prayed that if there was something after this life that my mother would find it and the peace she had never managed to find here and that all of her sins would be forgiven. I knew it was asking a lot, but I hoped that my prayer was enough.

I didn’t realize I was crying until Drake reached up and wiped both of my cheeks with a tissue. The tenderness of such a small gesture warmed my heart and I reached over and squeezed his hand as a thank you. He gave me a small smile as he took my hand in his and kissed it.

Danny had left the decision of what to do with my mother’s ashes up to me. At first, I had been clueless as to what I should do with them, but after a drive to the beach yesterday afternoon, I knew what she would have wanted. Despite her addictions, she was a free spirit, and I couldn’t think of anything better than to have her drifting across the ocean, carried around the world by the tide.

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