Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,82

the bus. She was worried because she couldn’t reach you.”

I cursed, hating the fact that I had made Chloe worry. I had been in too much of a hurry last night, trying to get away from everyone, to remember my phone. I was more worried about my damn drugs than I was about Chloe.

“Did she say what she wanted?” I asked.

Instantly, I knew something was wrong as Adam looked away. “Just call her.”

“Tell me what’s wrong first.” I shouted.

Adam glanced at Eric. “You do it. I suck at this shit.”

Eric and I watched as Adam made a hasty exit off the bus before I turned to look at Eric. “Well?”

He sighed. “Chloe called this morning because she couldn’t reach you. I guess she tried since early last night. She finally was worried enough to call Jade to check on you. By that time, we realized we had lost you again, but we didn’t want to worry Chloe, so we told her you were still back at the hotel sleeping.”

“Ok, but why did Adam just make a quick escape?”

“You’re going to be mad at yourself when I tell you.”

“I’m already mad at myself for making her worry, just tell me damn it!”

“She won’t be coming back today; her mother killed herself. She’s really upset, but Danny is taking care of everything for her, and Logan and Amber made it to the house late last night. She’s not alone, but she needs you there.”

I cursed and kicked the seat beside me. Pain shot through my foot, but I ignored it. I had been off getting high, while she was alone with both Logan and Jordan. I had left her alone with both of the assholes while she was completely vulnerable; I might as well have tied a bow around her too. And her mother? What the hell had happened there?

“Where’s Jade?” I asked.

“Out looking for you. She’s been gone a while though, so she should be back anytime.”

“I hope so, we need to go. Like now.”

Eric spoke, but I had suddenly turned deaf as I watched the walls of the bus tilt and whirl. I shook my head, trying to clear it, and they slowly moved back into place.

That was the thing I hated most about LSD. While I might not be high on it any longer, it would randomly pop back into my life for weeks after I had taken it.

I felt slightly dizzy as I dropped into the seat next to me.

Eric looked at me with concern, “You all right?”

“Fine, just dizzy.” I said as I closed my eyes and waited for it to pass.

My eyes flew open as the bus door banged against the wall. I blinked several times as Jade came running up the steps.

“Oh thank God. If I had to tell Chloe we lost you again, she might have never forgiven me!” She said as she hugged me tightly.

Adam walked in behind her and closed the door. “Told you he was in here,” he gave me a pointed look, “Damn crazy woman.”

I laughed as Jade pulled away. “Yeah, I’m here. Now can we get on the road?”

Eric walked to the front and sat down in the driver’s seat. “Sure, now go call Chloe.”

I jumped up from my seat and walked to my bunk, dialing her number as I went. She answered on the first ring.

“Drake? Oh thank God! I was freaking out!” She yelled into the phone.

I pulled my phone away from my ear as I winced. “Ouch, yes I’m here. I’m so sorry baby, I left my phone in the bus to charge and forgot to grab it before we went to the hotel.”

“It’s all right. I just thought something had happened to you.”

“Don’t worry about me, are you ok?” I asked.

She was silent for a minute before answering. “Did Jade tell you?”

“Yeah. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. We’re on our way back now.”

“The whole band?” She asked, sounding surprised.

“Well yeah. They all want to be there for you and besides, how else would I be getting there? You want me to walk the whole way?”

“Oh, right. Duh. Sorry, my mind isn’t working right now.” She said as she laughed at herself.

“It’s fine. We’re in Northern Pennsylvania right now, so it’ll be a few hours before we get there.”

“Hold on a second,” she said as I heard voices in the background, “Ok, I’ll be down in a minute.”

I waited impatiently, hoping that it wasn’t Logan or Jordan that she was talking to.

“Sorry, I’m back. Copyright 2016 - 2024