Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,80

three best friends so that makes me a part of it,” she turned to Jordan, “Chloe here cheated on Logan with Drake. She kept everything to herself, just like she always does, and Logan paid the price.”

Jordan’s eyes searched mine, looking for confirmation. “Is that true?”

I cringed at the judgment in his stare as I answered. “Yes, I fucked everything up.”

He frowned as he looked at Logan. “Drake has a way of really screwing things up, doesn’t he?”

“Enough!” I shouted before Logan could respond, “You two can form an ‘I hate Drake’ club later. I have too much shit to deal with right now!”

I threw Logan’s arm off of me and stormed out the door. I had no idea where I was going; I just knew I had to get away. I ran down the stairs and out the front door. I continued running until I had reached the edge of the property behind the house. My body screamed at me as I finally stopped running; clutching my sides and gasping for breath. I really needed to get in shape; this was pitiful.

I stood there for a minute, trying to let my eyes adjust to the darkness as I caught my breath. My breathing slowly quieted down and the silence of the night engulfed me. It reminded me of the serenity of the spot by the Cheat Lake that I shared with Drake. It felt right; and I let the atmosphere flow into my body. It soothed me, and I felt my body start to relax.

I sat down in the grass and leaned back against a small tree. There were several clouds in the sky tonight, blocking the moon and most of the stars, and I stared up at them until my eyes began to feel heavy. If only Drake were here, then everything would be perfect in my little world.

Chapter Eighteen


I lost twelve hours. My entire body felt like it was on fire as I sat up in bed and surveyed my hotel room. I groaned as I took in the destruction I had caused the night before; my credit card was going to be maxed out by the time they charged me for all the damages.

Last night had been the worst trip of my life. I had found a dealer at the bar we were playing at, and he offered me a deal on LSD after I bought more cocaine. Of course my dumbass had bought it.

The band didn’t have another show for a couple of days and we all decided to crash at a hotel for once instead of trying to sleep in a cramped bunk. I made some lame ass excuse about being tired when we checked in and locked myself in my room. I had used acid once or twice before and thought I could handle it, but what followed after I stuck that little piece of paper under my tongue was the worst trip of my life.

It had started out fine, but after a couple hours, things started to change. As I watched the swirling colors of the bedspread, Chloe and Jordan popped into my head. They were standing by the pool, locked in a passionate embrace. That one image set me off, and I literally saw the air around me start crackling with my energy.

The pale red walls changed to the color of blood and started dripping onto the floor. I had grabbed a towel from the bathroom and tried to wipe the blood up, but there was too much. The towel was saturated with blood and my hands were covered in it. I wiped them on my jeans and my shirt until they were red as well, but my hands wouldn’t come clean.

I ran to the bathroom and jumped into the shower after I stripped my blood soaked clothes off. There was a bar of soap on the side of the tub and I grabbed it. I scrubbed my skin furiously as the water around me turned red. I panicked as the water pouring over me turned red as well. I dropped to my knees in the tub and closed my eyes.

“It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s. Not. Real.” I chanted.

When I opened my eyes, the red water had disappeared, along with the blood that had covered my body. I breathed a sigh of relief as I shut the water off and grabbed the extra towel from the hook. I wrapped it around my waist as I stumbled back into my Copyright 2016 - 2024