Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,78

bother you.”

I ended the call and stood, stretching my arms above my head. My body was stiff from the fight with Kadi earlier, and a bit back a moan from the pain the movement caused me. I hadn’t bothered to shower or change my clothes before I went to sleep and I felt grungy as I left my room and walked down the hallway to the stairs.

Logan and Amber were getting out of her car as I stepped outside. They both looked up at the sound and Logan ran toward me as soon as he saw me. He wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me close.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner,” he whispered, his lips brushing my ear.

“It’s all right. Jordan and Danny have been taking care of me.” I said as I hugged him back tightly.

Amber walked over to us and joined in on our hug. It felt great to have both of my best friends with me, and I realized just how much I had missed them over the summer. Amber and Logan had long ago become permanent fixtures in my life, and I felt at home with both of them holding me.

Logan pulled away first. “What happened?”

I felt awkward explaining my mother’s death in the driveway. “Why don’t we get your stuff carried inside and then I can explain.”

He kissed my forehead and turned away. “Sure, but it might be a while. Amber packs like she’s never going home.”

Amber snickered as she released me. “Of course I do when I know you’ll be around to carry it for me.”

He scowled as he pulled two bags from the car. “Gee, thanks.”

Amber and I walked to the car and each grabbed a couple of bags. The first one I grabbed was fairly light, but the second one nearly pulled me down.

“Jesus, this thing weighs a ton!” I groaned as I started hobbling toward the house.

Logan held the door open for me as I passed by. “That would be Amber’s. The other one is mine.”

“Of course it is,” I huffed as I set both bags down.”

Danny and Jordan appeared from the living room and took in the bags at my feet and Amber and Logan standing next to me.

“I take it we have guests?” Danny asked.

“Um, yeah. These are my best friends, Amber and Logan. Sorry I didn’t tell you they were coming.”

“Not a problem, while you’re staying here, this house is yours too.”

I smiled as I turned to Logan and Amber. “Guys, this is my cousin Danny and his friend Jordan.”

Amber smiled sweetly while Logan shook both of their hands. He seemed to be studying them.

“Nice to meet you,” Jordan mumbled before looking at me, “You should have let me know they were coming. I could have let them in so that you could get some sleep.”

“I’m fine. I really needed to see both of them.”

He stayed silent as Danny crossed the room and grabbed a few of their bags. “Let’s get you guys rooms,” he glanced between Amber and Logan, “Do you each need a room or one together.”

Amber started blushing furiously as Logan laughed. “Nah, she steals the covers.”

She punched him in the arm. “Shut up! We’re just friends, nothing more.”

Danny laughed at her embarrassment. “All right then, follow me.”

Logan and Jordan split the remaining bags between the two of them and carried them up the stairs with Amber and I following closely behind. Danny stopped at the room directly across from mine and opened the door. “This one is free, as is the one beside it. Make yourselves at home.”

They deposited Amber’s bags inside and Logan carried his to the other room. I walked into Amber’s room and sat on the bed as she started unpacking.

“Are you ok?” She asked as she hung some of her clothes in the closet.

“Not really, but I will be. I think I’m in shock right now more than anything. It just doesn’t seem real.”

She gave me a sympathetic look. “Understandable. I mean, she was horrible, but she’s still your mom.”

“You want to know what the last thing she said to me was? What a horrible person I am.”

She walked over to me and through her arms around me. “Oh Chloe, you know that’s not true.”

“Yeah, but it’s what she thought of me. She called me and told me that the same night that she died.”

“I feel bad speaking badly about the dead, but your mom was a crazy bitch. She tried her hardest to break you, and Copyright 2016 - 2024