Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,75

I tried harder to get her to go into one of the programs my aunt had suggested? I felt as if her blood was on my hands.

I rose from my chair and stumbled my way up the stairs to the guest room Jordan was staying in. I was terrified that he would turn me away, but I needed him now more than ever. I knocked softly on the door. When no answer came, I turned the knob and pushed it open. Jordan was sitting on his bed with his back to me, staring out of his window.

“Not now Chloe, leave me alone.”

“Jordan, it’s my mom. She’s dead.”

His head swiveled so fast it looked like something out of a horror movie. It would have been comical if the situation wasn’t so dire.

“What did you say?” He asked.

“The police just called me, my mom’s dead; some kind of an accident.”

I felt faint and my knees buckled from underneath of me. He was off the bed in a flash and caught me before I hit the floor.

“Chloe. Chloe! Look at me!”

I raised my eyes to meet his. His face was full of concern as he lifted me and laid me down on his bed.

“Are you ok?” He asked.

“Yeah, no. I don’t know. She was horrible, but she’s still my mom.”

My vision clouded as tears filled my eyes. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap. Sobs wracked my body as I let grief overtake me.

“Shhh, let it out. I’m right here.” He whispered into my ear as he held me tight.

I clung to him as my tears soaked his shirt, but he never once complained. I cried until I felt that I had nothing left inside of me. When my tears slowed, I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I hiccupped out.

“Don’t ever be sorry for crying.”

“I have to go to the police department. Can you drive me? I don’t think I can drive.”

“Of course, let me get Danny and we’ll all go.”

He left me on the bed while he walked down the hall to Danny’s room. They both appeared a couple of minutes later. Danny walked straight to me and wrapped me in a hug.

“I guess we’re both orphans now.” I whispered against his neck.

“Guess so. Come on, let’s get you down to my car.”

He held my arm as we walked to his car, helping me into the backseat before shutting the door and sliding behind the steering wheel. Jordan came out of the house a minute later and joined us. I stared out the window as he weaved through the congested tourist traffic and parked outside the police department. I brushed their hands aside when they tried to help me as I got out and walked across the lot to the double doors. I had to be strong and stand on my own two feet.

An older woman with a no-nonsense appearance sat behind a desk just inside the entrance. She glanced up at us as we entered.

“Can I help you?”

“We’re here to see Charles Rogers. My name is Chloe Richards and he’s expecting me.”

She picked up the phone and dialed a number. After a brief conversation, she hung up and pointed us to a row of chairs sitting against the far wall.

“If you’ll have a seat over there, he will be out in a moment.”

I watched from my seat as officers and other employees walked back and forth around the station. I had never been in the trouble with the law, but cops always made me uneasy. I felt like they were staring at me, telling me they knew about all the bad things I had ever done. Danny seemed at ease, but Jordan seemed as uncomfortable as I was. He continuously tapped his foot on the floor as he followed their movements with his eyes.

A young officer with coal-black hair approached us. He had a kind face, and if not for his height, I would have assumed he came from Chinese decent.

He smiled at us as he approached. “Chloe?”

I stood and shook his hand. “That’s me,” I gestured to Danny and Jordan. “This is my cousin Danny and his best friend Jordan.”

He shook hands with both of them. “Nice to meet you, I wish it was under better circumstances. If you will follow me please, there are some things we need to discuss.”

He led us down a hallway to what looked like an interrogation room. I sat down at the table in the Copyright 2016 - 2024