Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,62

help myself. Whatever truce I had with Jordan had disappeared when I looked at those pictures. I knew now that they were innocent, but I didn’t like that he had curled up in bed with her while I was away. It was taking the whole friendship thing a little too far.

“Drake, don’t.” Chloe pleaded.

I ignored her as I continued to glare at Jordan. “Chloe explained the pictures to me, but I still don’t appreciate the fact you had your hands on her more than once when I was gone. She’s mine and I’m making that clear right now. If you don’t like it, I’ll be glad to go another round with you.”

Jordan laughed, which only infuriated me further. “It’s not like that with us, but she is still my friend and I’ll take care of her if I need to. You need to tone down the jealous boyfriend thing; you’re making yourself look like an idiot.”

I stepped forward and shoved him. My body was tight with anticipation as I waited for him to shove me back. That’s all I needed to start punching him again. I willed him to hit me, but he shook his head and stepped back.

“You need to get your shit together or she’s going to dump your sorry ass,” he growled.

Chloe stepped in between us and put her hands out. “Enough! What’s wrong with you Drake?”

“Nothing.” I spat as I turned away from them to look at the band. “Let’s carry our stuff in and start setting up.”

Eric watched me closely as we unloaded the instruments and carried them inside. I tried to ignore him, but I could feel him staring at me as I helped Jade set her drums up. Out of everyone, Eric was the one who I was worried about. He was always so quiet, but I knew he spent that time observing people. He had an uncanny ability to see things that others missed, and if anyone caught me, I knew it would be him.

We finished setting up and started walking back out to the bus. Jade had forced us to stop a couple of towns back to pick up real food from the supermarket because the constant fast food was starting to get to her. I knew there had to be something microwavable in there and I was dreaming of macaroni and cheese as we entered the bus. All thoughts of food left me as I saw Chloe sitting at the table with Jordan, leaning against him with her head on his shoulder as he ran his hands through her hair.

I saw red as I stomped over to stand in front of them. “What the fuck?” I shouted.

Jordan held a finger up to his lips and pointed to Chloe. I looked down at her and noticed that she was asleep. I felt like an ass as I watched her stir in her sleep before slowly opening her eyes. They landed on me and she smiled up at me, until she noticed the look on my face.

“What’s wrong?”

I motioned between her and Jordan. “Sorry, I just came in and saw you two all cuddled up together. Again.”

She must have realized that she was still leaning on him and pulled away instantly. “I must have fallen asleep, I didn’t mean to make you mad Drake.”

I ran my hands through my hair and turned to start digging through the cabinets for food. “It’s alright, I jumped to conclusions again.”

Unable to find any macaroni and cheese, I settled for the next best thing – Pop Tarts. I pulled a pack from the box and ripped them open. Chloe stood and walked over to me, wrapping her hands around my waist.

“I’m sorry, I really am. But you promised to always ask before you jumped to conclusions again, remember?”

I nodded as I stuffed food in my mouth so that I didn’t have to reply.

She sighed and walked back to the bunks. Either she was good at guessing or she noticed the picture of us I had hanging against the wall, because she laid down in my bunk.

“I’m going to sleep until it’s time for you to go on. Just wake me up when you’re ready.”

I pushed away from the small counter and walked into the bathroom. After double checking to make sure the door was locked, I pulled my stash out of my pocket. If I didn’t do something, I was going to rip Jordan in two. Or at least I would try; I didn’t see myself Copyright 2016 - 2024