Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,54

his seat and stepped between us. “Both of you calm down. Shouting at each other isn’t going to help anything alright?”

“Tell her that!” I growled.

“Oh shut up. I want answers Drake, where the hell have you been?”

Jade was a tiny little thing and I almost laughed at the sight of her so wound up. She rarely yelled at us, with the exception of Adam, and it was comical. It was like being yelled at by a baby kitten.

“I told you, I went to a party. I made a couple new friends and decided to stay for a while.”

She raised her eyes to the ceiling and mumbled something about needing patience. “Drake as long as I have known you, you have never done anything like this. Why didn’t you at least answer your phone to let us know you were ok?”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and held it up for her to see. “I turned it off and then forgot about it.”

“Drake, can I talk to you outside for a minute?” Eric asked as he stood.

I nodded and followed him off the bus. He walked halfway across the lot before he stopped and turned back to me. “Why don’t you tell me what’s really going on? I already have an idea.”

I raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

He sighed as he pulled the envelope Kadi had given me out of his pocket and held it up. “I saw Kadi inside the bar and then found these laying on the ground by the bus so I put two and two together. Have you talked to Chloe?”

My eyes were glued to the pictures as I shook my head. “I have nothing to say to her. A picture is worth a thousand words and there are several in there.”

“I might be overstepping my boundaries here, but I think you need to talk to her before you jump to any conclusions. Kadi is a nasty piece of work and she could have taken innocent moments and turned them into something ugly.”

“I don’t see how Chloe and Jordan in bed together could be innocent.”

“She was obviously in the room with them and it’s not like they’re naked. I mean, Chloe is looking right at the camera.”

I ran my hands through my hair as I thought about what he said. He did have a point, I had to give him that, but it still didn’t explain everything. I had barely been able to get Chloe to answer my calls lately, yet she seemed to have no trouble spending all of her time with Jordan.

“I don’t know what the fuck to think.”

“That’s why you need to talk to her before you do something stupid,” he looked at me closely, “You haven’t already done something stupid have you?”

No, nothing at all except buying enough coke to put a small dent in my bank account.

“If you’re talking about girls, then no I haven’t.”

He looked relieved. “Glad to hear it. Chloe is a good girl Drake and I’ve grown to like her over the last few months. I’ve seen the way she looks at you, there’s no way she’s cheating.”

I motioned toward the bus. “Did you show those to Jade or Adam?”

“No, I figured they were the reason you bolted. I wanted to give you time to cool off.”

“Thanks man, I don’t want them involved in this if they don’t have to be.”

We both looked up as a familiar red car pulled into the parking lot. My mouth hung open as Eric cursed under his breath.

“I might have forgotten to mention that Jade called Chloe this morning freaking out and Chloe left to come find you.”

I glared at him. “You think that might have been important?”

The car stopped next to the bus and Chloe was out and running toward me. I saw red as Jordan climbed out of the driver’s seat. Before I even realized what I was doing, I was crossing the lot. I bypassed Chloe and went straight for Jordan. When I reached him, I pulled back and punched him in the face with enough force to send him flying backwards.

Chapter Thirteen


The elation I felt at seeing Drake standing in the parking lot quickly turned to confusion as he weaved around me and went to Jordan. I watched in horror as he pulled back and punched Jordan with enough force to break his nose. Jordan, taken by complete surprise, flew backwards and landed on the ground with his hand up to his nose.

“What the hell?” He roared Copyright 2016 - 2024