Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,52

cheek and staring into his eyes, walking down a street hand in hand, Jordan with Chloe thrown over his shoulder, Jordan carrying Chloe in his arms by the pool, Chloe sitting on his shoulders in the pool. But the last one, it was the worst. It was a picture of the two of them cuddled up in Chloe’s bed.

I had no idea how Kadi had managed to get all of these pictures and I didn’t want to know. I threw the pictures on the ground and pushed her aside to step onto the bus.

She followed me up the steps, but stopped at the top of them. “Do you see now? No one will ever be as good to you as I was.”

I barely contained my temper as I pointed to the door. “Get. Out.”

She looked at me, shocked. “You can’t be serious! I was only watching out for you Drake, I love you!”

I shook my head, disgusted. “You don’t love me, you’re obsessed with me. I don’t want anything to do with you even if Chloe is cheating on me. Now get the fuck out or I’ll remove you myself.”

She glared at me. “You’ll be sorry Drake Allen!”

“Yeah yeah, whatever. Just go!” I shouted.

She turned and stomped off the bus as I collapsed into one of the seats. How could Chloe do this to me? She hadn’t seemed interested in Jordan at all and that dirt bag had said he was only looking out for her, that he would never be with her. I was a fool, just like Logan had been. Only it sucked a lot more to be on this side of it all.

I obviously meant nothing to her or she wouldn’t be off screwing some other guy while I was away, and doing it in the house of her aunt who had just died. I looked around for something to throw before I punched one of the windows on the bus. Seeing nothing close, I stormed off the bus and walked back to the rear entrance of the bar. I was going to get drunk off my ass, being sober hurt too damn much.

When I reached the entrance, I noticed a guy standing a few feet away in the shadows. I caught the smell of weed as the wind blew in my direction. Without a second thought, I walked over to him. He looked surprised, but said nothing as I stopped in front of him.

“You have any more of that?” I asked.

He nodded. “Yeah, I’ve got this and a lot more if you’re interested.”

“I am.”

I needed a release and I knew just how to find it. I had managed to stay clean for years, yet here I was, throwing it all away for Chloe. I guess it showed just how stupid I really was.

He motioned for me to follow him. “I don’t have anything on me, but if you want we can go back to my place. It’s not far from here and I can hook you up.”

I nodded as I sent a quick text to Jade, letting her know I was going to a party and that I would be back on the bus in the morning before shutting my phone off. I knew it would throw us behind schedule if we didn’t leave tonight, but I didn’t care.

We walked to a beat up car parked in the corner of the lot and he unlocked it. “I’m Jack by the way.”


“You don’t say much do you?”


He lived only a couple of minutes away in the rundown part of town. I exited the car and followed him up the stairs to a small dirty apartment. The air was thick with smoke and several people looked up as we entered. Jack raised a hand to all of them, but continued through the apartment until we reached a bedroom. There were two girls and a guy having sex on the bed when we entered, but he quickly tossed them out, still naked, into the hallway before shutting the door behind them.

“I’ve got just about anything you want.”


He smiled as he pulled a lock box out from under the bed. “I’ll take care of you.”

He unlocked the box and pulled out a small bag of cocaine. I held out my hand but he shook his head. “Money first buddy or no deal.”

I pulled my wallet from my jeans and pulled some cash out. “Here’s everything I have on me. Give me whatever you’ve got.”

“I like you kid, here you go.”

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