Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,43

I had to make one final attempt to reach out to you. I love you so much little sister, and I can’t stand to watch as you self-destruct from the inside. I have enclosed several brochures with this letter for rehabilitation clinics in this area and I beg of you to consider going to one. I have already spoke with my lawyer, and if you are willing, he will make sure that your treatment is paid for.

I’ve watched you waste your life for years and I can’t stand to do it any longer. It pains me to do this, but I have no choice. You will receive nothing from my estate until you check into one of these programs and complete it in full. For the year following your completion, you will be required to take a drug test weekly. Again, contact Jim and he will set everything up for you. If you manage to pass all of the tests, there is an account containing ten thousand dollars that will be placed in your name. I’m sorry that I led you on, but I cannot stand the thought of you taking any money I give you and using it on drugs.

Please do not blame Chloe for any of this; she had no idea of my plans for you. I know that will be your first thought, but please don’t. You have put that poor girl through enough already. Just let her go her own way until you get your act together, and if after you want to make amends with her, do it. She needs a mother Andrea, and you are the only one who can give her that.

Again, I’m sorry that it came to this, but just know I do this out of love for you.

Love Always,


I wiped a tear from my eye as I finished reading my aunt’s final plea for my mother to get help.

I looked up at Danny as he laid a hand on my shoulder. “You ok?”

“Yeah I will be, I just hope she listens to your mom,” I said as I handed the letter to him.

He read it quickly before placing it and the brochures back in the envelope. “I’m going to make sure this gets to her room, hopefully she will take my mom’s advice and get straightened up. Until she does, I don’t want you out of Jordan’s or my sight.”

“Damn straight, she’s freaking nuts,” Jordan growled.

I smiled as I stood up and walked out the door behind them. “Thanks guys.”

We were quiet as we went down the stairs and back onto the second floor. Danny stopped at my mom’s room and left the letter on her dresser before continuing onto his own room.

“I’ll catch up with you guys in a bit, I just want to be alone for a little while.”

“You sure man? I hate for you to be alone right now.” Jordan asked.

“Yeah, I’m sure. You guys go hang out or whatever, I’ll find you later,” Danny said as he closed the door in our faces.

I glanced up at Jordan as we walked to my room. “What do you want to do? Since you have to babysit me, I’ll let you pick.”

“Kadi said she was going to be by the pool and I still don’t trust her. Let’s go down there to keep an eye on her until Danny decides to come out.”

“Sounds good to me, just let me change and I’ll meet you down there,” I said as I started to close my door.

Jordan caught it and smiled. “I’m not leaving you alone that long; I’ll wait out here until you’re ready.”

Chapter Ten


I changed quickly, not wanting to make Jordan wait, and was back out in the hallway in record time. Jordan and I made our way down the stairs and toward the patio door when I noticed Allison standing in the kitchen doorway.

“Your mother just tore out of here like she was on fire.”

“That’s probably for the best, give her some time to cool down,” Jordan said as we walked by her.

Allison gave me a sympathetic smile, “It went that bad huh?”

“Pretty much.”

I smiled as Jordan and I walked to the pool; Kadi was sitting in one of the chairs, sound asleep. I moved quietly to one of the chairs next to her, afraid I would wake her. Jordan laughed as I tripped over one of her shoes and nearly fell on top of her. I turned to glare at him and held a finger up to my Copyright 2016 - 2024