Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,38

my bikini before continuing down the hall to Danny’s room. I knew he wouldn’t be in there, but I wanted to be there for him when he was. The door opened easily when I pushed and I looked around as I entered. Everything was neat and tidy in his room, no clothes on the floor or anything which surprised me since most guys were total slobs; even Drake could be if I didn’t remind him to pick up after himself.

I sat down on the neatly made bed and pulled my legs up to my chest. I had no clue how to comfort Danny when he came in here; I wasn’t even sure how to handle my aunt’s death myself. All I could do was keep my promise to her and be there for him when he needed me.

I debated calling Drake, but decided against it. I knew he would know how upset I was and he’d want to come back to be here with me. I needed to calm down before I spoke with him so that he wouldn’t feel guilty. I wished he could be here for me; he always knew what to do and I felt lost without his comfort.

I looked up as the door opened and Danny stepped inside. His face was red and splotchy from crying and he looked completely broken. We simply stared at each other, neither knowing exactly what to say. He finally walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I held him tight as he broke down in my arms. I’m not sure how long we sat there together, both trying to take comfort in the other.

Chapter Nine


The next few days passed in a blur as people I had never met before drifted in and out of the house; several of them bringing us tons of food we would never eat as they gave their condolences. Danny was still struggling with it all, but he put on a brave face as he greeted every guest with the polite and collected disposition of his status within the community. I, on the other hand, hid in my room like a six-year-old as much as possible until everyone left for the night.

Jordan drifted between Danny and I, trying to make sure we were both alright. He was obviously hurting as well; he had practically grown up here with Danny, and Jennifer was like a second mom to him, but he pushed it back to make sure we were taken care of. My mom stayed here most of the time, but she kept her distance from me. I could tell she was hurting, but I knew better than try to comfort her.

I had finally pulled myself together enough to call Drake the day after she passed away. My voice shook as I explained what had happened, but I managed to keep myself from completely falling apart. Drake had immediately offered to come back, saying that the tour could wait if I needed him. I refused, explaining that Jordan was helping me and that there was no need for him to cancel shows and cause the band to lose money. He hadn’t been happy with it, but he finally agreed.

Kadi surprised me by showing up the next day like she said she would. She had been back every day since then and was doing her best to help Danny. He seemed to truly appreciate her being there, and I was thankful that she had stuck around. She had even come with Jordan a couple of times when he would check on me in my room. I felt like maybe we had misjudged her intentions, she seemed to be trying her hardest to help all of us.

The day of the actual funeral was the hardest by far. In my daze, I hadn’t even thought about what to wear and I quickly realized I had nothing that was suitable for a funeral, so Jordan and I ran to the local shopping plaza to find a dress and a pair of heels. I finally found a plain black dress and a pair of shoes in the third store we went in. I paid quickly as Jordan rushed us out of the store and back home, trying to make sure that we wouldn’t be late.

We made it back just minutes before the limo arrived at the house. I rode next to Jordan on the way to the funeral home while Kadi sat with Danny and tried to comfort him. My mother Copyright 2016 - 2024