Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,36

the chairs as she watched me swimming laps.

“So Chloe, tell me about yourself,” she said when I passed close to her.

“Not much to tell really, I’m pretty boring,” I said as I grabbed the side of the pool and pulled myself out.

She motioned for me to take the chair beside her. “I doubt that, you hang out with Jordan and Danny; that’s more excitement than most girls ever see.”

I laughed as I sat down next to her. “Yeah, I spent the summer with them a couple of years ago. They can get pretty wild, but obviously not with everything going on.”

“I came as soon as I heard. Danny has always been a good friend of mine and I didn’t want him to deal with this alone,” she said as she looked out across the water.

“He’s not alone, he has Jordan to take care of him and I’m here too,” I said.

“Well I know that now silly. I had no idea he even had a cousin, they never mentioned you before. Do you live nearby?”

I shook my head. “No, I live in West Virginia. I grew up in Charleston but now I’m in Morgantown attending W.V.U.”

Her smiled brightened. “What a small world! I went there for a couple of years before transferring back here. I didn’t want to leave, but my mom needed me here.”

“I guess it is, isn’t it? Are you still in school?”

“Nah, I graduated earlier this year, but I’m taking a year off before I start job hunting.”

“I see,” I said, unable to think of anything else to say.

We were silent for several minutes before she spoke again. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you and Jordan together?”

My eyes widened, “No, why would you think that?”

“I thought I was walking in on some kind of private moment in there earlier. I was just curious,” she said.

“No, Jordan and I are just friends. I have a boyfriend,” I said as I thought of Drake and smiled.

“Oh, you’ve got that love struck look written all over your face. He must be something special! Tell me about him,” she said excitedly.

I felt like a fourteen year old telling her friends about her first real boyfriend, but I couldn’t help myself. Kadi was surprisingly easy to talk to and it felt nice to talk about Drake.

“I don’t even know where to start; Drake is just… Drake. He’s moody and bossy at times and he tries to act all badass, but he’s really not. He is so sweet when we’re together and tries his hardest to take care of me. He just makes me feel… I don’t know, I guess he makes me feel alive. And he has to be the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life. Dark hair, dark eyes, tattoos, piercings, dear lord I could go on forever,” I smiled sheepishly as I finished my speech. “Sorry, I think I got a little carried away there.”

She laughed. “Not at all, I think I just fell for him after that description. He sounds like the perfect guy.”

“He is,” I sighed happily.

“Then why isn’t he here with you?” She asked.

“He’s in a band and they’ve had shows scheduled for months in advance. I couldn’t let him give that up just for me. Once everything is settled here, I’m going to catch up with him on the road.”

“I don’t blame you, but doesn’t it make you nervous to have him out on the road all by himself?”

“No, I trust him. He wouldn’t do that to me,” I said.

“I’m glad you guys are so tight, I bet it makes it a lot easier to be around Jordan all day.”

I had no idea what she was trying to say with that comment, but it bothered me. “What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“Oh come on, Jordan is to die for. Being stuck in a house alone with him day after day has to be a big temptation, no matter how good this Drake guy is. You’re only human.”

“Not at all,” I said calmly, even though my temper was starting to rise, “Jordan is just my friend. Are you asking this because you think I’m cheating on my boyfriend with him or because you’re interested in Jordan and are trying to find out if he’s available?”

She bit her lip. “Am I really that obvious?”

“Depends on which option you’re talking about.”

“I have a bit of a thing for Jordan, but I don’t think he’s interested. I was with Danny for a Copyright 2016 - 2024