Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,32

staying with her cousin to help with her sick aunt in Ocean City,” I said.

Her eyes widened. “What a coincidence, I live in Ocean City when school isn’t going on. I’m just here visiting my cousin for the weekend. What’s her cousin’s name?”

This couldn’t go well at all. There was no way I was practically drawing her a map right to Chloe’s front door. I thought for a minute, trying to come up with some generic name. Of course, my mind froze and I couldn’t think of a single name besides Danny or Jordan. I decided to go with the lesser of the two evils.

“His name’s Jordan, but I’m sure you don’t know him. He’s younger than you are.”

“Jordan Daniels that hangs out with Danny? I love that guy, but I thought Danny’s mom was the sick one.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I was digging myself in a deeper hole every time I opened my mouth. “I’m not sure, only met the guy once.”

She smiled in a way that made me want to run home and grab Chloe. “I’m sure that’s who you’re talking about. Anyway, since your girlfriend is so far away, she’ll never have to know if you want to go to your bus with me.”

I grabbed my guitar case off the floor and started walking to the door. “Not a chance Kadi, so just back off. You’re definitely not worth ruining what I have with her. I’m out, later.”

There was no way I was hanging around to help the guys pack up Jade’s drum set if Kadi was anywhere around. I made sure to lock the bus door as I shut it behind me and threw my guitar on the table. The band would understand why they had to knock, if not, they’d get over it. No way was I letting Kadi in here with me when no one else was around.

I sat down at the table and pulled out my phone to check my phone for any new messages from Chloe. She had sent me one about an hour earlier telling me she and Jordan had made it back to the house and wishing me luck at my first show. I smiled as I texted her back and let her know everything had gone well, but I made sure to leave out the part where Kadi showed up.

We had never really talked about all the girls at the shows, but I knew they bothered her. There was no way I would ever cheat on her and I think she knew that down deep inside, but her insecurities often got in the way of rational thought. Mentioning Kadi showing up would only send her into hyper drive and she would start freaking out.

I felt my temper flare as I realized just how much her mother had screwed her up over the years. She was a beautiful girl with a heart of gold, but her mother had literally beat it into her head that she was garbage and a waste of time.

I was pulled away from my thoughts as a knock came at the door. I walked to the door and peeked out cautiously, making sure that it wasn’t Kadi trying to get in. Adam stood there, looking impatient as he waited for me to open the door. I unlocked it and stepped back as he and Jade stepped onto the bus.

“That was fucking awesome!” He shouted as he crashed into one of the seats.

Jade rolled her eyes as she grabbed clean clothes from her bunk and went into the bathroom to change.

“Where’s Eric?” I asked.

“Collecting our cut. I wanted to hang around for a while and see if I could get lucky but Eric threatened bodily harm since that crazy bitch is in there. He wanted to leave as soon as possible so she doesn’t try to follow us. You really know how to pick them, don’t you?”

I threw the pick I had just pulled out of my pocket at him. “Shut up asshole. That was a long time ago, I’ve learned from my mistakes.”

He laughed as he caught the pick and slipped it into his own pocket. “Damn straight. Chloe is way hotter than that thing in there. I can vouch for that after seeing that picture earlier.”

I punched him in the shoulder. “Quit bringing up the fact you’ve seen her naked or you’re going to have to learn to play your guitar with your toes.”

He laughed as Eric entered the bus looking frazzled.

“What the hell happened to you?” Copyright 2016 - 2024