Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,29

we forgot to let you know they were coming.”

I stood and walked to the door as Danny ended the call. Chloe caught up with me and wrapped her arms around my waist as I grabbed my bag. Danny and Jordan followed close behind as I stepped outside. The bus was pulling up the driveway and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Eric behind the wheel. As soon as he parked next to us, Jade and Adam were out of the bus. I smiled as Jade came over and hugged Chloe; the two of them had grown a lot closer of the last couple months and I knew having Chloe go on tour with us would help Jade from getting lonely. You can only stand to be on a bus with three guys for so long before you lost your mind.

Eric stepped off the bus and smiled at me. “Tight security around here?”

“Yeah, just a little,” I said.

“I almost had him convinced until this asshole,” he motioned over his shoulder at Adam, “stuck his head out the window and started yelling. Nothing screws your chances like a guy with a purple Mohawk yelling obscenities at people.”

I laughed as Adam walked over and fist pumped me. “Let’s get this show on the road!”

I grabbed my bags and threw them on the bus before stepping back out to make introductions. “Danny, Jordan, this is Jade, Eric, and Adam.”

Danny and Jordan shook hands with everyone, giving Adam strange looks. I had to admit, he was a lot to take in the first time. Then when he opened his mouth, he always made it worse.

Jordan and Danny approached me as Jade and the guys hugged Chloe and waved goodbye before stepping back into the bus. Jordan shook my hand as he leaned into me and whispered, “I’ll take care of her, you’ve got nothing to worry about. You have my word.”

“Mine too,” Danny said as he clapped me on the back, “Good luck to you guys.”

As Chloe approached me, they stepped back to give us a moment. I gave her a smile as I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up off the ground. She laughed as I swung her in circles around me.

“I’m going to miss you so much baby,” I said as I set her back down.

“I know, me too. It’s only a couple of weeks though, we can handle that.”

“Damn straight,” I said as I kissed her. I drew the kiss out as long as I could.

I groaned and pulled away as Adam started beeping the horn on the bus and stuck his head out the window.

“Come on lover boy! We’ve got places to be!” He shouted.

I sent a glare his way as I flipped him off.

“You’d better go before he comes out here after you,” Chloe whispered as tears filled her eyes.

“Don’t cry or I’ll never be able to leave.”

She grinned as she pulled me in for one last kiss. “If I’d known that earlier I would have cried more.”

I stepped away from her and turned to the bus. “I love you Chloe.”

I felt like my shoes were filled with led as I crossed the driveway and stepped onto the bus. Adam and Jade were sitting around a small table, so I took the bus seat across from them. The space was cramped, but I barely noticed as Eric put the bus in gear and slowly pulled away. My stomach clenched as I saw Jordan walk over to Chloe and wrap his arms around her. She waved as she watched us pull away.

Chapter Seven


When we passed through the gates, I groaned. Her mother was pulling up the driveway toward the house. I hadn’t been gone for more than a minute and Chloe would already have to deal with her without me. I fell back into my seat, fuming, as Eric pulled out onto the main road. Jade and Adam caught me up on anything they thought I needed to know from the past two days, which wasn’t much.

There was a nervous energy around all of them, and I quickly caught it. Shows didn’t make me nervous, but the fact we would be traveling up to New York and a few other decent sized places did. There was chance, however small, that we might get enough attention that maybe someone important might notice us. We had recorded a demo a few weeks ago and sent it in to a few record labels, but so far nothing. Not Copyright 2016 - 2024