Twisted Up (Taking Chances #1) - Erin Nicholas Page 0,78

will you give me if I give you the other half of this one right now?”

She shook her head. “I don’t especially care for ham salad, either. I thought you made the sandwich for me, and I thought that was sweet.”

He moved in even closer, practically on top of her now. “I make the best fucking peanut butter-and-banana sandwich in the world. I’ll even let you watch me do it. Think of how hot that will get you.”

If her current state was anything to go by, the answer would be very.

“But that would also require us going to your parents’ house. When were you going to tell me about dinner?”

“Mom was going to call you.” Jake finished off the sandwich. He looked behind Avery, then leaned in.

She worked on not gasping—or moaning—as his upper body brushed hers. She prepared herself for the kiss she was sure was coming.

But she frowned when he leaned back a moment later. With the water bottle from her cup holder in hand.

“Hey.” But she didn’t get beyond that as Jake tipped the water back and drank. She was fascinated by the muscles of his throat working as he swallowed, the streak of dirt on his right shoulder, and the sheer Oh, man, I want him that washed over her as she watched him.

“Thanks for the sandwich,” he said after he’d swallowed. He was looking at her closely.

She nodded. “Sure. I know the one you gave me the other day was just what I needed.”

She almost grimaced at how awkward that sounded. But there was truth to it. She’d been hungry, and having Jake take care of her, even in that small way, had mattered.

He gave her a smile that seemed to heat her from the bottoms of her feet to the top of her head. “Yeah, this was exactly what I needed right now.”

Something about that seemed like he meant more than the sandwich. Seeing her? Seeing her practically drooling over him? Whatever he meant, the whole exchange definitely made her feel lighter. Happier.

They stood smiling at each other for a moment in a dopey and confusing way she liked a lot.

Until a dog barked, grabbing Jake’s attention. He swiveled his neck to locate the animal. It was a big black Lab that lived across the road.

“Damn,” he muttered.

“You’re still looking for the dog?” Of course he was. Mrs. Johnson had mentioned it to Avery that very morning.

“Yeah. Dammit. I don’t know where else to look.” Jake ran his bandanna over the back of his neck. “I put food and water out at the house, but nothing’s been touched.”

“At the house?” Avery repeated. “The dog’s house?”


Avery studied Jake’s face. He looked right back at her.

“Have you dug through the house?” She’d seen the Huberts’ house. There wasn’t much left.

“We were there when we pulled Kayley out.”

“And you started putting food and water out.”


“But . . .” She trailed off, hoping he’d follow her train of thought.

He frowned. “What?”

Nope, not following her train.

“I think you need to go back to the house. It’s possible Cooper is there, you know,” she said gently.

Jake looked at her for several heartbeats. Then he shook his head. “I promised her I’d find him.”

Avery took a deep breath before opening her driver’s-side door. “Then let’s go find him.”

Jake looked from the Jeep to Avery and back. “You’ll come with me?”

She nodded. “Sure.” Even if she didn’t want to help him find the dog, which she really did, she didn’t want him climbing around that house by himself. The Huberts’ home was one of the most unstable structures in town. She was trained in search-and-rescue, just like he was. If nothing else, she could help keep him safe while he was going above and beyond in the heroic department for a dog.

He paused again and sighed. “Let me grab my shirt and stuff.”

He jogged over to the pile of belongings on the tailgate of Max’s truck and yelled up to the guys that he’d be back later.

They both grinned and Max yelled, “I won’t wait up.”

Jake came around to the passenger side of the Jeep and climbed in.

He looked solemn. She hated that look on him. Jake was supposed to look mischievous and happy.

They drove to the Huberts’ house without talking. Avery didn’t want to find Cooper in the house. She didn’t want to see Jake upset about not keeping his promise to Kayley. She didn’t want to see Kayley heartbroken. But the search with no results was starting to weigh on Copyright 2016 - 2024