Twisted Metal Heart - Eve Langlais Page 0,57

her to shore. Pumped her of water until she gasped for breath then ran with her away from danger.

He should still be running. The threat to Riella remained and would follow. The bounty would make sure of that.

We can’t have that. He had to protect her.

He swept her back into his arms, skin prickling as he took stock of where he was. In the Marsh. On a road to…he had no fucking clue. He couldn’t tell if he was on the right one to find the vehicle she’d stashed or even heading back for the city.

“Fuck me,” he grumbled, turning in a circle and trying to figure out a direction.

“I will not fuck you,” was the surprisingly indignant reply.

Startled Titan looked around. “Who said that?”

“Who do you think?”

“Alfred?” he asked tentatively.

“Were you expecting someone else?”

“How the fuck are you here? I thought you drowned with the tank.”

“I almost became some river slug’s home because of you. Thanks for not saving me when you saved yourself.”

“I was made a prisoner. I couldn’t come back,” Titan said, feeling guilty he’d forgotten about the robot head. “I’m sorry.”

Alfred actually snickered. “Did you really apologize? Given the incident, the chances of you locating me underwater and retrieving me were very slim. Not odds I would recommend.”

“How did you get out?” And then he frowned as something occurred to him. “Wait a second. Am I really talking to you? Did you get a new body? How come I can’t see you?”

“Humans always having to see things to interact.”

A whirring object suddenly hovered in front of Titan’s face, and he almost dropped Riella. He blinked at the bird somehow remaining aloft with its wings spread. He could hear a faint hum.

“You’re a bird now?” Titan asked.

“Ball drone.” The image flashed for a moment to show a metallic ball, the air around it shimmering as it hovered. The bird hologram returned.

“That is beyond radioactive,” he breathed.

“I know. This is almost better than the big wheelie version of me. Although I could use a pincer arm. I’m going to ask Riella to build me one.”

“I didn’t hurt her.” It felt important to establish that.

“Of course you didn’t,” the robot snorted, as snarky as ever. “If you ever tried, she’d pulverize you.”

“Someone attacked her in the dungeon. Three someones actually.”

“That was fast. Word only arrived this afternoon via a bird much uglier than me. Whispers on the wind say the queen is offering a fortune for the return of her daughter.”

“So I’ve heard. Which means there’s probably more hunting us right now.”

“More than likely. The queen is angry by all accounts. Angry enough she won’t stop until she gets her hands on Riella.”

Titan stared at her cradled in his arms as he followed Alfred. “The danger stops if the queen dies.”

“And how do you plan to get close enough to her to attempt that?” Alfred’s sarcasm floated ahead, the shape of him offering a subtle glow Titan could follow. “In that city, she has hundreds of Centurions. Not to mention more of the spiduses and other nasties she keeps in reserve. Then there’s the weapons she’s had her minions create.”

“Meaning it’s impossible.”

“You will never get close while she’s in the city.”

“There must be a way to draw her out,” he muttered.

“You’re holding it,” said a groggy voice.

He halted and glanced down at Riella. “You’re awake.”

“With a screaming headache.” Said with a wince.

Riella pushed at him until he set her down. He steadied her when she wobbled.

“If I ask if you’re okay, will you hit me?”

She grimaced. “Probably not. The thought of moving makes me hurt even more.” He noticed the way her hand crept over her belly.

“Is the baby…” He couldn’t finish the sentence.

“I don’t know,” was her soft reply.

“If you’re done chatting, we don’t have time. Those thugs that attacked in the dungeon won’t be the only ones after Riella. There was another pair shadowing you when you went over the wall.”

“And you tell me this now?” Titan barked, glancing behind them and seeing nothing. “How far back are they?”

“I don’t know. They split up once they hit the ground, which is admirable given they entered the swamp. Worrisome, too, because that means they’re comfortable hunting in it.”

“Didn’t you say you stashed a vehicle?” Titan asked.

Riella nodded, and her lips pulled tight. “Ow. Yes, but I don’t know where we are.”

“I do happen to know.” Alfred dipped low in front of them. “Surprisingly enough, given your inept meandering, we’re almost there.”

The ambush came just as they reached a Copyright 2016 - 2024