Twisted Metal Heart - Eve Langlais Page 0,55

to see Titan out of his cell, standing amidst a pile of bodies. All of them broken.

She glanced at him, the metal sheen in his eyes, the lack of anyone home.

She took a step back. “Titan?”

“It’s dangerous for you here.”

He went for her, hands grabbing, and in a smooth move, he’d slung her into his arms.

“What are you doing?” she asked, holding on to him. She pushed into him, her fingers on his skin, trying to shove some of her psionic energy into him. Not a single spurt of heat occurred. He didn’t react to her touch at all.

“We’re leaving the city.”

The king wouldn’t like that. She’d made him a promise, but then again, the danger had just proven itself. If she couldn’t be safe in the city with people, then perhaps she needed to be somewhere there weren’t any people. Because, no matter where she went, the greed of claiming the bounty would follow.

There was no alarm being raised, she noted as Titan went up the stairs two at a time. Probably because the guards were out cold. Their bodies lay splayed on the floor. She couldn’t tell if they were dead or alive. Didn’t stop to check either.

Emerging into the city, he set her on her feet but kept a hold of her hand. The scents of food cooking wafted, spiced and flavorful. It made her stomach growl. As they kept sprinting, his hand wrapped in hers, tugging her along, she could tell they neared water because she could smell it, pungent and moist.

Would they escape via the river? He didn’t say, and she didn’t ask. She did wonder that he didn’t stop at all to acquire clothes or supplies of any kind. As if he knew exactly where he was going, Titan made for the city wall. Forget the fact there was no gate open at this time of night, he made straight for it.

“What are you going to do? Smash your way through the wall?” she asked, eyeing the stone palisade, freshly mortared to create a lumpy but effective barrier.

He stood before it and eyed it left and right, up and down. “A hole would make too much noise,” was his summation. “How are you at climbing?”

“Probably better than you,” she boasted.

“The baby—"

“Will be fine,” she interrupted. “I’m pregnant, not incapable.”

“Go first and I’ll follow.”

She knew he meant to act as a net to catch her if she fell. She wanted to laugh. Cute but unnecessary. She rarely succumbed to gravity. Although, as she scaled the wall, conscious she had only a moment before the spotlight the guards wielded to keep watch arced back, a part of her wondered what it would feel like to let herself slip and actually be caught.

She peeked down at Titan to find him intent on her. His eyes fierce. Sexy. Filled with purpose. And she was that purpose. For now, anyhow. That might change once the child was born.

But wouldn’t it be nice if she remained in his sights? Someone to be a partner. Someone to share with.

Just before the lip, something exploded. It drew her attention, and she looked over her shoulder to see flames shooting in the sky. “That can’t be good.”

“Move,” he growled. “Use that distraction to our benefit.”

A valid suggestion. Riella threw herself over the edge and clung tight. She looked down at Titan and grinned. “Last one down is riding, not driving.”

“Like fuck are you driving.”

He flowed up that wall, moving effortlessly, his eyes a silver gleam. She dipped over the edge and threw herself.

Titan yelled.

She tucked and would have rolled if something hadn’t shot past her and plucked her out of the air.

It took her a blinking second to realize Titan had caught her. “How the heck did you move that fast?”

He smiled and, rather than give her an answer, said, “I’m driving.”

“Put me down.”

It surprised her he listened and set her on her feet. She glanced behind her. The city lights might not illuminate much, but the sweeping spotlights showed smoke in the sky. Sounds of alarm too.

But she saw no sign of pursuit on this side. That might not last long. They stood on a strip of land with water beyond it. Still water covered in a slick scum.

Titan moved toward it.

“You can’t be thinking of swimming in that.” She jogged to catch up.

“I’d rather not, as I’m pretty sure it’s toxic.” He huffed with his hands on his hips. “But we need to get across.”

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